Chapter 23

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Eleonore;it's either cattleya's or the ruffian's hair
Eleonore said

Saito;the hair is not cattleya's
Saito said

Grim;of course it isn't you dumbass it's blue cattleya has bright pink hair
Grim said

Micheal;how can you be so sure?
Micheal asked as she turns towards Eleonore

Eleonore;here I have a potion made by my friend at the academy, this hair shall now return to its owner
Eleonore said as she poured it a small amount onto the strain of hair and it goes to the persons head which was micheal's

Micheal;this is stupid you dare try to force your sisters crime onto me with your foolish magic captain she's part of this too let's arrest them both ?!
Micheal said as she turns towards Agnes

Agnes;all right however I do not want them to think that we forced the charge on them I'm sorry vice-captain show your chest and prove to them that you don't have the seal
Agnes said as she looked towards Micheal

Grim;well damn she just told you that your fucked
Grim said

Micheal;you're kidding
Micheal said

Agnes;it's for the sake of the mission and it's an order
Agnes said

Micheal;I can't comply with such a humiliating order
Micheal said as she looks away from Agnes

Agnes;Micheal in case the ruffian was at the site the principal told a lie in order to trick her these are not imitations they're the genuine
Agnes said as Micheal shows a surprised expression

Julio;why are you so surprised
Julio asked as he looked towards Micheal

Grim;yeah why are you so surprised micheal
Grim said as he summoned his sword

Micheal; because you used that lie to force the charge onto Miss cattleya
Micheal said

Agnes;because you thought you failed despite the trouble you went through right? It was foolish thing you tried
Agnes said

Albedo;I'm starting to like this person more
Albedo said as she watches

Micheal;captain I am not the ruffian I will show you the proof
Micheal said as she removes her chest plate to show the seal on her chest

As she doe she drew her sword and charges towards Agnes but saito blocks her attack

Louise said as she saw saito starting to fight micheal

Micheal;move aside
Micheal said as she and saito lock into a stance

Agnes;Micheal stop the futile resistance!
Agnes said

Micheal; captain were you suspecting me from the beginning?
Micheal asked

Agnes;I respected your hard work there was much mystery in your background but I trusted you as a swordsman but if the culprit behind the incidents at the castle and today's case were the same individual I realized that it had to be someone close to me
Agnes said

Saito;what! You could've have told me than!
Saito said

Micheal;you need a real sword right? Don't get in my way!!
Micheal said

Saito;I won't be a loser forever
Saito said as he removes micheal's sword from her

Louise;he did it
Louise said

Grim;I didn't see it so it didn't count
Grim said

Saito;fuck you grim
Saito said as Micheal jumps through the large  hole in the room and gets stopped as cattleya summons a large golem blocking her escape...with that Agnes and saito caught Micheal

Eleonore;looks like the case is closed cattleya I'm sure you can't sleep here so come to my room
Eleonore said

Cattleya;thank you onee-sama
Cattleya said

Eleonore;Louise you should go to bed too it's no time for a child to be awake
Eleonore said

Louise;child? Geez onee-sama
Louise said

Grim and albedo had already left to Grim's room and called it a night because at this point grim was just exhausted

(The next day)

After what happened last night and the repairs it took to clean cattleya's room again grim and cattleya and albedo got to talk and relax under a tree but that was sort lived when Agnes asked grim and albedo to meet her for a meeting,right now Julio,saito,Louise, grim and albedo got into the room where Agnes told them to meet

Louise;top secret document vault?
Louise said

Agnes;yes beneath this academy there is a vault for top secret documents I received the privilege to access these documents from the queen but principal Osmond said that he never received an order to undo the lock and thus refused to open the door
Agnes said

Grim;I'm sure the letter was late or something
Grim said as everyone looks at him

Grim;what it's true
Grim said

Saito;even though the princess gave you the privilege?
Saito said

Julio;it's dangerous apparently it was built over a thousand years ago so there are handful of mysteries within I also heard that a spell was cast on it as a security measure entering carelessly will cost you your life
Julio said

Albedo;than it is not wise to go
Albedo said as she leans against the wall next to grim

Agnes; I am a knight I do not fear danger!!
Agnes said

Louise;Agnes what's the document you want to see so badly?
Louise asked

Agnes;it has to do with my foe
Agnes said

Louise and saito said

Grim;that has to be the worse excuse I've heard
Grim said

Albedo;no I've heard worse than that lord-sama
Albedo said

Julio;since our comrade is in trouble I want to do something about it that's also why I called you 4 here
Julio said

Saito;comrades eh?
Saito said as he looked towards Julio

Julio;me, grim and you may be better described as buddies Louise you can use special kind of magic so you can dispel any kind of lock right?
Julio said

Louise;if I were to use unlock void magic then maybe but I can't do it without concentration
Louise said

Grim;saito is going to make thing worse in 3....2....1
Grim said

Saito;listen explosions seem to be the only kind of magic Louise can use she uses it like it's her only trick kaboom here kaboom there she can't possibly complicated like unlocking a door
Saito said as he smirked

Albedo;you got that right again master
Albedo said as she and grim step back a few feet

Louise;your right I've got no better tricks!!!!
Louise said as she uses her magic and causes a explosion to go off in the room

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