I am a mage who summoned a familiar for one of my assignment with my friend Louis though my fimiliar is a bit crazy sometimes especially with I'm near other girls
Grim;what the hells happening Grim said as his flame dragon armor appeared
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Albedo summons her axe and started to kill some of the soldiers Albedo;did you filthy creatures Albedo said as she swings her axe
Grim sees albedo swinging her axe around Grim's mind;is it weird that I have a boner right now Grim thought as he knocks down 2 soldiers with his sword
As they continue to fight the soldiers off they saw saito and Louise in a alleyway...as soon as they finished up with the soldiers in the center of town they headed over to them
Grim;hey are you alright you two Grim asked as his armor disappears
Saito;yeah we're alright Saito said as he holds Louise
Albedo;master to the north of us Albedo said as she points towards the mountain behind of the town to show waves of soldiers heading towards the town
Louise;Albion troops? Louise asked as she sees the army
(The next day)
After Albion troops arrived Grim, albedo, saito and Louise made it to lowscythe where they were loading up supplies and civilians to evacuate....right now grim and albedo were watching saito trying to make Louise get on a boat
Saito;why do you want to take care of the rearguard? Saito asked
Louise;let go of me Louise said as she gets saito's hands off her shoulders
Saito;did the princess order this from you?! Saito asked
Grim's mind;I know for a fact that the princess didn't order that but still it could be a possibility Grim thought as he watches
Louise than explained how cardinal begged for her to strength to save the princess life...after her explanation saito was shocked
Saito;and you accepted it...are you insane?! They're coming here with the force of seventy thousand men Saito said as he puts his hands on her shoulders again
Albedo;with those numbers alone you wouldn't even stop them it you tried Louise Albedo said as she sharpens her axe
Grim;it's like a 1% out of 100% of even surviving that Grim said as he looked at her
Louise;I have my void magic Louise said
Saito;void? You couldn't use it last time Saito said
Louise;but this time I might be able to if it means the princess's life I'll make it happen...if I can save the princess with my void magic there would be no greater honour Louise said as she looked down
Saito;fuck that..,do you understand they're telling you to be bait...they're asking you to die I'm going to turn down the mission Saito said as she tries to walk away but Louise stops him
Louise;stop it Louise said as she looked away from saito
Saito;Louise Saito said
Louise;this is something that only I can do therefore I have to do it Louise said
Saito;our men don't have the strength to hold back seventy thousand men hey loui- Saito gets cut off by Louise
Louise;it's not just for the princess the maid and everyone else at fairy inn might be killed...they may be shamed I don't want to die either but I'm a aristocrat it's an honour to die for ones people...you might make fun of it but is it that insignificant to die for everyone else Louise said
Saito;I don't get it, yeah I also want to protect everyone but the one I want to protect more than anyone else is Saito gets cut off again by lousie hugging him
Grim;albedo let's go make sure that people get onto the ships alright Grim said as he heads to the docks
Albedo;alright master Albedo said as she puts away her axe
After an hour of helping people get into the ships for evacuation grim decided to have some time with albedo before making a decision that will make albedo mad....though during their time alone albedo got some clothes that um well let's just say that it's for when they are alone....right now grim was next a ship that Louise was on due to saito putting her to sleep with a potion
Albedo;master we should get onto the ship now Albedo said as she looked at him
Grim;albedo as your master you'll do anything I say right Grim asked
Albedo;well yes but there are some limits to it why what's wrong Albedo asked
Grim;albedo as your master go watch over Louise until I return I have to get her idiot lover before he gets killed Grim said
Albedo;what no master allow me to do it Albedo said as she looked at him with a shocked expression
Grim;albedo I'll teleport myself and saito onto the ship if something goes wrong alright Grim said as he calms her down
Albedo nods as she knows that he could teleport back to the ship Albedo;alright master but promise me that you'll come back to me master Albedo said as she hugs grim in a loving embrace
Grim;I will albedo don't worry Grim said as he hugs her back
(Louise's POV)
Louise groans as she slowly opens her eyes Louise;wha what? Louise said
Julio;are you awake sleeping beauty Julio asked as he looked at her
Louise;Julio? Where am I? On a ship Louise said as she looked at her surroundings Than standing up quickly
Louise;I need to stop the enemy Louise said as she stands
Siesta;Miss valliere?! Where is saito san Siesta asked
Louise;saito? Louise said
Julio;he and grim aren't here they went to face Albion's troops alone Julio said
Louise walked towards Julio Louise; what did you say Louise asked
Albedo;saito went to fight Albion as my master makes sure to grab him Albedo said
Julio;while you were sleeping from the effects of a potion Julio added
Siesta; so he used that potion but I gave it to saito-kun because I wanted him to live Siesta said as she starts to cry
Louise:saito...grim Louise said as she tries to get off the ship but siesta's uncle keeps her from doing that