I am a mage who summoned a familiar for one of my assignment with my friend Louis though my fimiliar is a bit crazy sometimes especially with I'm near other girls
Saito;back off don't touch Louise! Saito said as he gets Julio away from Louise
Grim;I agree on that Grim said as he glares at Julio
Louise;saito Louise said as she blushes more
Saito;I don't care if you're a flamen or whatever you're so snobby it bothers me if you to fight or whatever you got it Saito said
Louise;hey hold on Louise said
Saito;no I'm doing this Saito said
Louise;what are you getting all worked up for if you get serious he'll die Louise said as she pulled saito to her
Grim;go for it kill him Grim said as he watches them argue As they head to the dorm
Julio looks towards grim Julio; what about you mr blaze want to fight Julio said as he looks towards him
Grim;no thanks besides I have no beef with you Grim said
Julio;than what if did the same thing the winner gets to kiss albe- Julio stops as he feels Grim's sword against his neck
Grim;you're just asking for a death wish aren't you! Grim said as Julio backs up and pulls out his sword
Julio;shall we start! Julio said as he and grim charge at each other
As they do they clash their swords with each other at a very high speed
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The remaining students at the academy surround grim and Julio fight
Albedo;lord-sama your swordsmanship has improved greatly Albedo said as she smiles
Grim;this is what you wanted right!! Grim said as he pushes Julio back with the force of his swing
Julio catches himself than dusted off his coat Julio I must say your good with a adore mr blaze however you still need to improve it! Julio said as he runs towards grim
Grim does the same and swings his sword towards Julio...as their blades connected it sends a shock wave knocking some of the students down
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Before they could continue Agnes gets in front of them
Agnes;enough code name wizard there is an emergency call Agnes said as she makes the students surrounding them go back to training
Grim puts away his sword Grim;you got saved Julio Grim said as he heads off with albedo right behind them
After a few minutes grim and albedo entered a room to see the princess, Agnes, Louise, saito and Julio there
Saito;Julio you bastard what was that meaning of the battle Saito asked
Julio;I was interested in neither win or loss I just wanted to know the strength of my teammates Julio said
Saito;teammates? Saito said
Princess;exactly he is your teammate Princess said as she looks towards them
Grim;great Grim said sarcastically
Princess than said her thanks to Louise, saito and to grim and albedo for saving her and freeing wales from that curse
Julio;I heard what happened to prince wales as well it was Albion's conspiracy after all was it not Julio said
Saito;princess why is he here Saito said as he points towards Julio
Grim;she just said it he's our new teammate Grim said
Saito;what's that supposed to mean Saito said
Julio; Romalia's pope senses danger from Albion as well so he sent me to lend my hand to the princess Julio said
Princess; both he and I wish to avoid the war but the situation is profound, Louise,saito,grim,albedo,Julio-San and Agnes you are those upon whom I rely Princess said
Louise;yes your highness Louise said
Grim;alright than princess Grim said
Saito;so in other words you concentrated your forces to this school Saito said
Louise;what? You have something to say about that Louise said
Saito;no I'm just bothered by what Colbert-sensei said Saito said
Agnes;the don't bring war onto the campus thing? Agnes said
Princess;saito I have no intention of subjecting the school to the dangers of war, I honestly want to borrow your strength for the sake of peace will you cooperate Princess said as she had look towards them
Grim;I will lend my strength to you princess Grim said as he bowed
Saito;I will Saito said
Julio goes and grabs Louise's hand Julio;I hope we'll get along well Louise Julio said
Saito;hey stay away from Louise Saito said as he makes Julio hand off of Louise than turns towards her
Saito;Louise what are you blushing for?! Saito asked as he looks towards her
Louise;I-I'm not blushing Louise said
Saito;but you are Saito said as he and lousie started to argue
Grim and albedo signs as they watch the Mayhem that is happening in front of them
(The next day)
It was a foggy day at the academy....grim and albedo were getting ready for the day but as they do Grim's door gets kicked off it's hinges and lands on his bed
Grim;what the hell?!? Grim said as he looks towards his door before sees a women with blonde hair with glasses
Albedo;who are you Albedo said as she equips her armor
Grim;w-w-wait that hair and those glasses don't tell me Eleonore-sama!!! Grim said as he shakes nervously
Eleonore;yes grim-San now since your up and dressed is a convenient for me pack up already while I get my sister Eleonore said as she she stares at him
Grim;y-y-yes ma'am!! Grim said as he starts packing
Eleonore leaves and heads towards louise's room
Albedo;lord-sama who was that person Albedo asked as she sees Grim finished packing
Grim;that's Eleonore Valliere Louise second sister Grim said as eleonore comes back draging Louise and saito than grabs grim and heads out
Albedo;grim-sama wait! Albedo said as she follows them
As they had existed the dorm building they see siesta carrying a basket of clothes
Eleonore;you come with us I could use you as a personal maid when we get home Eleonore said as she drags siesta to and headed to some carriages