Chapter 20

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Louise's mother;we shall speak of Louise when father comes home tomorrow on another matter
Louise's mother said as she turns towards grim

Louise's mother; grim I've heard you had became a lord
Louise's mother said as she looks towards grim

Grim;oh yes I did become a lord Mis.valliere
Grim said as he looks at her

Louise's mother;I would also like to congratulate you on becoming part of the family
Louise's mother said

Lousie,grim,albedo and saito were confused by that

Louise;mother what are talking about?
Louise asked

Louise's mother;has Eleonore not told you cattleya and grim are going to be betrothed
Louise's mother said

Grim/Louise/saito/albedo; what!!
They said as they were shocked by this news

Cattleya blushes a bit As she looks at grim

After that they had finished dinner and went to their rooms

Grim and albedo were given a room near cattleya' s.....grim was freaking out by the news he had heard

Grim;this this can't be real right?
Grim said as he sits down on the bed

Albedo;grim-sama please calm down
Albedo said as she calms grim down

Grim;albedo how are you not freaking out about th-
Grim gets cut off by albedo kissing him

Albedo breaks the kiss and looks at grim
Albedo;because we shouldn't be panicking in these situation
Albedo said as she sits next to grim

Albedo's mind;raaaaaaa! This can't be my grim-sama my lord is getting betrothed this is a nightmare this can't be real!!!
Albedo thought as her wings twitch a bit

Grim;are you sure because your wings are twitching
Grim said as he looks at her wings

Albedo;I'm okay grim though it is shocking to hear this
Albedo said as Grim hugs her

Grim;this is happening so fast like we're going to try and stop a war from happening, Eleonore bringing us her and now this
Grim said as he holds her

Albedo hugs grim as well
Albedo;I'm sure we could figure something out my lord but I have a question
Albedo said as she looks at him

Grim;um sure what is it
Grim asked

Albedo;how do they know you so well?
Albedo asked

Grim;well the valliere family through my dad and my mother though I didn't get along with them at first but I grew close with Louise and cattleya other than that we were great friends
Grim said

Albedo;I see grim-sama why don't we head to bed now
Albedo said as she uses her wings and blew out the candles on the room

Grim nods and lays down on the bed
Grim;alright hopefully nothing else will happen
Grim said as he slowly falls asleep

Albedo's mind;he shouldn't say that out loud
Albedo thought as she joins grim in the bed and falls asleep as well

(Morning time)

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