Chapter 10

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Wardes;I'm sorry but it had been a while since I saw Louise here, anyways what is your name
Wardes said as he looks towards grim

Grim;names grim I'm Louise friend
Grim said as he rides

Wardes;grim is such a Unique name
Wardes said as they continue to head to the port

As they ride through the a canyon saito looks at Guiche

Saito;hey I thought we were going to a port
Saito said

Guiche;you don't know anything do you, there it is the town by the port La Nocher
Guiche said as they look at the town from where they were at

As they started to walking into the town Guiche looks around him

Guiche;the buildings here are all made by carving parts of the mountains, it takes an expert square class earth mage to do this kind of work
Guiche said as they had stoped at the motel they would be staying at

Wardes; we'll spend the night here and depart tomorrow evening okay
Wardes said as he looks towards grim,Guiche,albedo and saito

Grim;fine by me
Grim said

Albedo;very well
Albedo said

Guiche;y-yes sir Mr.wardes
Guiche said

Saito gets off his horse and began to unload the stuff they had brought

Louise;at least answer him saito you're being rude
Louise said

Wardes;don't worry I don't like acting high and mighty just because I'm an aristocrat
Wardes said

After wardes said that grim and albedo went to get their room

Albedo;grim-sama I don't trust that man
Albedo said

Grim;I agree with you albedo we should keep a good distance just in case
Grim said as got into their room and put their stuff in there

(1 minute later)

After they had unpacked their stuff for the night...right now they were at a tavern hanging dinner

Wardes;to summon a human as a familiar that's my Louise
Wardes said

Louise;even you're going say that to me
Louise said

Grim gives wardes a glare
Grim;you better not
Grim said

Wardes; I didn't mean it in a sarcastic way that was an amazing feet Louise
Wardes said

Saito was picking at his food while Guiche was being a fucking fanboy

Wardes;I heard the two of you had a duel
Wardes said causing saito and Guiche to choke on their food a bit

Guiche;t-that was
Guiche said

Grim;I fought Guiche to you know
Grim said

Wardes; saito is it true that was the first time you held a sword
Wardes asked

Saito;well yes
Saito said

Grim;he got his but handed to him at first
Grim said

Albedo;yes he did how do human say it he ate shit
Albedo said

Saito said

Wardes;I was told that you captured the sandy Fouquet using the staff of destruction is that true as well
Wardes said as he eats

Saito;yes, you certainly know a lot
Saito said as he looks at wardes

Wardes;given my status I receive plenty of detailed information
Wardes said

the familiar of Zero oc insertedWhere stories live. Discover now