Chapter 29

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After grim finally recovers from his wounds he and albedo head to where Louise and saito were at but by the time they got there Louise had already left with Julio on a mission leaving saito with his broken plane.....right now saito,albedo and grim were sitting inside a bar where siesta and her cousin were sitting next to them

Jessica:but it's still a surprise that you are the boy that siesta loves
Jessica said

Saito said

Albedo; honestly it's hard to believe that this idiot has girls to love him
Albedo said

Grim;that I can agree on albedo
Grim said

Saito said

Jessica;I feel bad for Louise but I think I have to root for my cousin
Jessica said

Saito;cousin? Oh yeah
Saito said as he looks at Jessica's breast than to siesta's

Scarron: everyone in our family has big breasts see me to
Scarron said as he flexes his chest

Saito;isn't that muscle
Saito said

Grim gags and covers his mouth
Grim;I almost threw up there
Grim said

Albedo;my eyes are burning master
Albedo said

?;saito isn't that saito and grim
A voice said

Saito;Guiche y-your
Saito said as he sees Guiche outfit

Guiche;what is it oh this is a white spirit medal, it's not much but I was distinguished on the battlefield general Poitier gave it to me in person
Guiche said

Saito said as he sees the medal

Grim;not that fancy
Grim said as he continues to drink his water

Saito said as he sees the medal

Guiche; to an aristocrat there's no greater honour anyways where's Louise she's not with you?
Guiche said as he looks around the table

Saito;I don't care
Saito said but everyone just looked at him

Guiche;oh and I thought I'd show her the medal
Guiche said

Grim;still think it's just a waste of medal
Grim said

Albedo;for me I prefer the skulls of my enemies to be medal
Albedo said

Everyone but grim scooted away from her

Albedo;what it's a honorable thing in my world
Albedo said

Saito:anyways why don't you go call her then?
Saito said

As soon as saito said that they went to Louise room and open the door

Grim;hey Louise the blonde duche want to sho-
Grim stops as he sees something that would make his scare him for life

Louise was wearing nothing but a weird cat bikini with ears and a tail

Louise was wearing nothing but a weird cat bikini with ears and a tail

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