Chapter 9

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Albedo; sees that  this floor was for training because there was a arena with statues of many creatures surrounding it...once they have got to the last door which was the living quarters they stop by a door with a emblem on it

once they have got to the last door which was the living quarters they stop by a door with a emblem on it

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Albedo;what does this emblem mean Grim-sama
Albedo asked as grim opens the door

Grim;I don't know for sure but my grandfather once said that it meant fear and danger
Grim said as he and albedo walk inside to see a throne room with banners with the same emblem on them  and at the end was the throne

Grim;I don't know for sure but my grandfather once said that it meant fear and danger Grim said as he and albedo walk inside to see a throne room with banners with the same emblem on them  and at the end was the throne

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(Remove ainze from the throne)

Grim stops in front of the throne and wipes off the dust from it
Grim;this is the last stop for now albedo so let's us enjoy our days until the mission begins
Grim said as they started to relax but they started to clean each floor of the tomb

(Night time)

Once they had finished cleaning they had relaxed for a day than started to train....right now grim was relaxing in his room laying on his bed....grim was staring at his ceiling

Grim;over this past few years I never imagined that I could be what I am a mage and a knight
Grim said as he notices that his door opens slightly

Grim signs as he lays there
Grim;you can come in albedo
Grim said as albedo walks into the room

Grim sits up to see albedo but not in her regular outfit

Albedo;Grim-sama did you sleep well Albedo asked as she looks towards him

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Albedo;Grim-sama did you sleep well
Albedo asked as she looks towards him

Grim face becomes red as he nods
Grim;y-yeah slept alright anyways why are you wearing that?
Grim said as he looks down for a bit

Albedo;well I figured that saito loved the way siesta wearers a maid outfit so I thought I might try it out.
Albedo said as she does a little spin

Grim;saito your so dead
Grim said as he curses under his breath

Albedo notices that Grim's face was red and gently placed her forehead against his
Albedo;grim-Sama are you having a fever?
Albedo asked

Grim and albedo's eyes locked into each they do grim was memorized by her eyes for a moment before looking away quickly

Grim;no I don't have a fever albedo
Grim said as albedo steps back a bit

Albedo;I see thank goodness
Albedo said as she signs in relief

(Albedo pov)

Once albedo left Grim's room she went into her she does she jumps onto her bed and hugs a billow with grim on it

Albedo;grim-sama eyes are so beautiful like the eyes of a warrior ready to slay their opponents, oh god just thinking about him just makes me wanting him more!
Albedo said as she hugs the billow tightly

(Time skip)

Grim and albedo said their goodbyes to the tomb as they headed back to the academy for their mission....they did enjoy their stay at the tomb making some memories there, right now the landed infornt of the academy as a person riding a griffin lands behind saito,Louise and Guiche

Saito;grim you made it
Saito said

Guiche;w-who are you
Guiche said as he points towards the person

?;by the order of the princess Henrietta I will be your bodyguard, wardes captain of the griffin unit
Wardes said as he tips his hat

Louise;you are
Louise said

Guiche;the famous mage knight
Guiche said

Grim;great another famous person
Grim said as he signs

Wardes;Louise I'm sorry if I surprised you, I thought my fiancée was under attack
Wardes said

Saito/Guiche; fiancée
Saito and Guiche said

Guiche;your minding me
Guiche said

Grim hears this and throws up on the grass
Grim;oh god that's fucking gross
Grim said as albedo pats his back

Wardes;your as light as ever just like a feather
Wardes said

Louise;long time no see wardes-sama
Louise said while blushing

But that makes grim throw up again onto the grass

Grim;that's just so wrong for this man
Grim said as he couches

Wardes;is your friend alright?
Wardes asked

Albedo;he is fine I think
Albedo said as she pats Grim's back

(4 minutes later)

After that they headed off the port near the town of La Nocher....right now they're rider if there by horseback

Guiche;from the elitest of the elite the captain of the griffin unit is here to protect us it's a thrilling experience
Guiche said as saito scuffs

Saito said as he stays back with Guiche

Grim and albedo rode next to wardes
Grim's mind;please let there be silence for a few minutes
Grim thought

Louise;I really was surprised since I wasn't aware that wardes-sama would be coming
Louise said as she startes at wardes

Grim's mind;god damnit!
Grim thought as he looks ahead of him

Wardes; we can't use griffin unit for a secrecy mission, but when the highness consulted me about the letter I offered to be a bodyguard
Wardes said

Louise;so you offered to do this for us?
Louise asked

Wardes;of course I can't sit and do nothing after hearing your name
Wardes said

Grim;sorry to interrupt but let's not focus on the mission please
Grim said as albedo nods

Albedo;grim-sama is correct we should Focus on the mission
Albedo said as she rides next to grim

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