Chapter 24

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After getting help of Eleonore to help unlock the door and with Colbert and siesta showing in a weird outfit they headed down the hallway

Julio;I heard you come from a distant country right
Julio asked as he looks towards saito

Saito;t-yeah so it was very nostalgic
Saito said

Siesta;so he gave it to me saying I'm sure it'll look good on you siesta it wouldn't look good in Louise since she's got no breasts oops
Siesta said as she covered her mouth

Louise was shacking in anger
Louise;y-you're right I d-don't have any b-breasts do I they're flat right? THEYRE  CONCAVE ARENT THEY!!!!
Louise said as she pulls out her wand

Grim;Louise wait don't do it here!!
Grim said

Louise;saito you jerk!!
Louise said as she sets off a explosion causing the roof to cave in and blocking there only way out

Grim and albedo said as they brush the dust and rubble off of them

Eleonore;hey chibi-Louise you need to consider the time and place when you use magic you haven't even learned these basic rules yet!
Eleonore said

Colbert;I'm sure I've mentioned them numerous times
Colbert said

Grim;I've told her hundreds of time not to
Grim said as they head on to the secret library

Once they get to a long bridge over a large hole in the ground and across from it was the library ....once they had crossed it they stood in front of the door of the library

Saito;wait something's written there
Saito said pointing at the carvings above the door

Eleonore;the alteration destruction or removal of documents as well as the use of magic is forbidden
Eleonore said

Louise;so we can't use magic
Louise said

Eleonore;you can't use any to begin with so you don't have to worry anyways those who fail to abide will encounter a catastrophe I bet it's just a threat
Eleonore said as Agnes and everyone else heads inside once they do they had split up into groups and looked for anything they could

As grim was searching in one of the corners he sees a box with art on it

As grim was searching in one of the corners he sees a box with art on it

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Grim;what's this?
Grim said as he opens it to show a weird gauntlet

Albedo; I believe it might be like on of your rings grim-sama Albedo said as she looks at it to

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Albedo; I believe it might be like on of your rings grim-sama
Albedo said as she looks at it to

Grim;I'll just take it since it's not a document
Grim said as he put it into his cloak

As he does siesta trips and drops some books onto the floor

Eleonore; hey plebeian don't touch stuff when you don't know what your dealing with
Eleonore said as she scolded siesta

Siesta;I-I'm sorry
Siesta said as she bows

Eleonore pulls out her wand and aims at the books on the floor
Eleonore; seriously
Eleonore said as she uses her magic to put the books away

Siesta:u-um you just used magic
Siesta said as the library starts to shake

Saito;w-what's that!
Saito said as the building shakes

Louise;this is bad the security magic is taking effect gosh onee-sama aren't you supposed to consider the time and place when you use magic
Louise said

Grim;damn she told you Eleonore
Grim said as he laughed

Eleonore;forget that let's get out of here!
Eleonore said as everyone was heading out but Agnes

Grim;albedo make sure they get out
Grim said

Albedo;of course lord-sama
Albedo said as she escorted some of the people out of the library

Agnes;wait this is it to prevent the spread of the epidemic burn all humans near dungletale what epidemic?
Agnes said

Saito;we're going to get crushed
Saito said

Colbert;Agnes-kun we need to get out
Colbert said

Grim;Agnes hurry the hell up
Grim said

Agnes;wait I haven't found the captain's name yet found it
Agnes said as she found the page she was looking for

Agnes; a special force was put together to deal with the epidemic and the captain was gone!! the section with his name had been torn away
Agnes stops as she sees the page ripped out

Colbert and saito try to get Agnes up but she pushes them away

Agnes;let go of me
Agnes said as she checks the other books

Agnes;the name the captain's name must be somewhere
Agnes said

Louise;let's hurry!!
Louise shouted from outside the library

Grim;fuck this grab her and let's go
Grim said as Colbert and saito grab Agnes and dragged her outside

Agnes;let me go I have to find the captain's name
Agnes said as they dragged her over the bridge

As they do they see the bridge begins to break they got close grim pushed them to safety as he began to fall

Albedo screamed

Grim puts on a ring and activates his driver
Grim;come on
Grim said

Driver;stretch please
The driver said as a magic symbol appears in front of Grim's arm

Grim quickly moves his hand through the he does his hand stretches all the up to the group and as it did someone grabs his hand and pulls him up.....once grim was up albedo hugs him

Eleonore;that was a foolish move grim
Eleonore said

Louise;thank goodness
Louise said

Saito;that was dumb
Saito said

Grim;saito your entire existence is dumb
Grim said as he catches his breath

Julio;so that's it the bridge is gone forever
Julio said

Colbert;who knows maybe it'll revert back to the way it was next time we come
Colbert said

Agnes;thanks to you and grim I would ha-
Agnes gets cut off by grim punching in the face making her stumble back a bit

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