I am a mage who summoned a familiar for one of my assignment with my friend Louis though my fimiliar is a bit crazy sometimes especially with I'm near other girls
Kirche;saito the next ship doesn't depart until tomorrow morning we have no choice but to wait Kirche said as the ground underneath Guiche starts to rumble
Saito;could it be Fouquet Saito asks
Albedo;why would she come back Albedo asked
Guiche;um hey guys please don't abandon- Guiche said as the ground burst under him sending flying a few feet
Saito and kirche look at the hole
Saito;this is Saito said as a huge mole appears from the hole
Saito/Kirche; Vardandi! Saito and kirche said
Grim;okay here's the plan you guys go with vardandi since he can follow the gemstone Louis has on her finger Grim said as he and albedo get ready to take off
Saito;hey where are you going! Saito said
Grim looks at saito Grim;to go kill a bastard! Grim said as he uses one of his rings
Driver;teleport please~ The driver said as albedo and grim vanished into thin air
(3rd pov)
Grim and albedo got to the location where Louis Was at
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As they got there saito and the others managed to get there on time ....without a plan saito bursted through the church's door with his sword out
Saito;I'm going to take Louise back! Saito said
Grim;I'll make you pay for kidnapping Louise Grim said as he uses a blue ring
Driver;water please water,water,water,water! The driver said as blue armor appears on grim
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Grim;it's show time! Grim said
Prince wales;knights arrest them! The prince said
Knight;yes sir The knight said as they draw out their swords
Louise,no prince they are Louise gets cut off by wardes pushing her down
Wardes; move aside! Wardes said
Prince wales;wardes-sama what are yo- Prince wales said as wardes shoved his sword through the prince's chest
Prince wales;you were reconquista Prince wales said as wardes takes out his sword and tosses the prince aside
Knight;you bastard! One knight said as they point their sword towards wardes
Louise goes to prince wales side Louise;prince wales no! Louise said as the prince gives her his ring before succumbing to his injury and dying
Saito;I won't forgive you! Saito said
Wardes; and what exactly are you going to do? Wardes said as he knocks all the knights down with a lightning slash
Wardes;I told her to kill you but that woman such a incompetence Wardes said as he aims his sword at saito
Saito;so Fouquet really was your alley Saito said
Before wardes could say anything to Louise grim knocks him back into a column
Grim;you killed the prince your should'nt have done that! Grim said as he and wardes start their fight
Wardes;you think a student could be me wardes viscount Wardes said as he goes to stab grim in the chest
Thinking quickly grim uses a magic ring
Driver;liquid please The driver said as wardes stabs grim
Everyone was shocked thinking that grim was dead but it was fine as grim headbuts wardes....as he does the hole In Grim's chest disappears as the wound looks like water
Grim;nice try Grim said as he knocks wardes back as saito charges towards him with his sword looking new
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Saito;you bastard! Saito said as he blocks lighting from warde's sword
As he goes the Magic that wardes used was absorbed into saito's sword
Wardes;what! The spell was absorbed! Wardes said as saito knocks wardes down as saito lands next to Louise
Saito;you lose Saito said as Louise hugs him
Albedo;move and I'll rip your head off Albedo said as she readies her axe
Wardes;oh well I've accomplished two out of three objectives Wardes said
Saito;objectives!? Saito said
Wardes;first was to kill wales the second was to acquire this! Wardes said as he shows them the letter
Louise;when did he? Louise said
Wardes;and the last objective was you Louise! Wardes said as he stabs his sword into the ground crating a mini explosion causing the church to go down
As the church goes down grim and albedo get close to saito and Louise
Grim;stay close! Grim said as he activates a ring
Driver defend please The driver said as a barrier made of fire started to surround them as the church collapses on top of them
Once the smoke clears up grim lowers the barrier as he falls onto one knee
Albedo;grim-sama are you alright Albedo asked as she helps grim stand up
Grim;today has been draining me, oh this can't be good Grim said as he sees a piece of debris lodged into his gut
Tabitha,Kirche arrived as albedo lays grim down
The last thing grim hears was albedo's voice before passing out