Chapter 8

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Everyone looks towards where the laughing was coming from to see grim looking downward

Longueville; what's so funny
Longueville said as she gets Annoyed

Grim;I'm laughing because your plan was so stupid! Hahahah like seriously you became a fucking assistant just to get it for how long like 2 maybe 6 years hahahah just so pathetic!
Grim said as he continues to laugh as longueville stepped back a bit

Albedo on the other hand was overjoyed with this side of grim
Albedo said as grim walks towards longueville

Grim;your just a sad excuse of a mage and a human being your plan just proves that your nothing but a sad pathetic earth mage who wants nothing but attention!
Grim said as he continues to walk

Longueville;I'll do you brat don't test me
Longueville said as she aims the staff towards Grim

Louise;grim don't do it
Louise said

Kirche;is he insane
Kirche asked

Saito;no but he might be
Saito said as he slowly grabs his sword

Tabitha;he's an idiot
Tabitha said

Grim;come on hit me with your best shot!!
Grim said as he smiles sending chilled down everyone's back

Longueville fires the staff but nothing happens as saito knocks her out as he also grabs the staff from her

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Longueville fires the staff but nothing happens as saito knocks her out as he also grabs the staff from her

Grim signs as albedo walks towards him

Albedo;did you know that the staff would not work master
Albedo asked

Grim;of course I knew if I didn't than I wouldn't have done it
Grim said as he takes a breath

Grim's mind;thank god it work I almost died there for a second
Grim thought as Louise,Kirche and Tabitha walk over to him

Kirche;I have to says that's was manly of you
Kirche said as she was about to hug grim but gets pushed away from albedo who had a dark aura

Louise;that was so stupid Grim
Louise said

Tabitha;I have to agree your an idiot
Tabitha said

(Time skip)

Once they got back to the academy they went to the principal's office

Gandalf; Fouquet has been handed over to the soldiers at the castle and the staff of destruction is back in the treasure vault it's all over
Gandalf said

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