Chapter 7

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After that everyone got on a wagon and headed off to the cabin

Albedo;I have a strange feeling as though we are heading towards a trap
Albedo said as she sits next to Grim

Grim;it's probably is but let's not tell anyone
Grim said

Albedo;why is that Grim-sama
Albedo asked

Grim;if they knew than they will plan out that's when  Fouquet will learn about the plan and trash it
Grim said as he leans back a bit

Albedo; I see
Albedo said as she follows Grim's example and relaxes

As they continue to head towards the cabin Grim sees Louie giving a face that tells you that someone's going to die later

Once they got to the cabin saito went to check if Fouquet was there

Kirche;according to the information that's the house, but it's just an old lumberjack cabin
Kirche said

Louise;it could be intended as camouflage
Louise said as saito gives us the clear sign....just to be sure of it Tabitha used her magic to sense any traps

Tabitha; there are no traps
Tabitha said

Louise;I'll stay here on watch
Louise said

Saito;yeah thanks
Saito said as he heads inside

Grim;albedo watch outside with Louise
Grim said as he heads inside

Albedo;of course Grim-sama
Albedo said as she stands with Louise

Longueville; I'll go scout around than
Longueville said as she heads into the woods

After searching around they found the staff but inside a desk

Tabitha;this case is the same but
Tabitha said but was cut off by Louise screaming

Saito said as the roof of the cabin gets ripped off showing the golem

Kirche said as Tabitha aims her wand towards it

Tabitha; need is ha
Tabitha said as a huge gust of wind shoots towards the golem but it was effective

Kirche;in ex dest flame shot!
Kirche said as she shoots flames at the golem but it wasn't effective ether

Kirche;that's what I thought it is impossible
Kirche said

Grim;than why did you even try
Grim said as he activates a ring

Driver; thunder please
The driver said as a huge strike of thunder hits it causing it to be pushed back a little

Saito sees Louise trying to hit the golem while albedo smashes the golems arm only for it to regenerate

Saito;stop it you don't stand a chance besides you can't use magic properly
Saito said only for Grim to hit him on the head as Tabitha's dragon lands on the ground

Louise;I'm an aristocrat those who can use magic aren't real aristocrats it's those who don't run away that's earn the title I won't be Zero Louise forever Deel ni dool thunder!
Louise said as a small explosion hits the golem but it did nothing

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