I am a mage who summoned a familiar for one of my assignment with my friend Louis though my fimiliar is a bit crazy sometimes especially with I'm near other girls
?;everyone congratulations on becoming second year students my name is Ms. Cheveruse and I'm a new teacher here at Tristain Magic academy and my element is earth Cheveruse said as she looks towards her students
Cheveruse; so can anyone tell me what are the four basic elements? Cheveruse asked
A blond boy stands up from his seat ?;ah yes fire,water,earth, and wind and what a coincidence my element is earth just like you Missus and the names Garmont Garmont said
Cheveruse;nice to meet you mr.Garmont now earth is an important magical element since the governs the creation of all things and to make you understand that I'll start out by having you all master alchemy Cheveruse said as she places 3 small rocks onto her table
Cheveruse; lei,in,yan Cheveruse said as she made the rocks turn into a golden color
?;is that gold One girl asked
Cheveruse;no it's only brass Cheveruse said
?;blast it The girl said
Cheveruse; now than let's have someone give it a try Cheveruse said as she looks around to see a girl with pink hair
Cheveruse;you up there what is your name Cheveruse asked
?;louise de la valliere Louise said as she stands up
?;um sensei A boy said
Cheveruse;yes? Cheveruse said
?;um I suggest you don't pick her The boy said while others agreed
?;it's dangerous I would rather do it myself than have Louise do it
?;man shut up already the teacher said for Louise to go so stop complaining A boy said
Everyone looks towards the boy next to Louise to see Grim siting there
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Lousie;it's alright grim besides what's so dangerous about alchemy I'll do it so please allow me Louise said as she heads down to where Ms. Cheveruse is at
As she does everyone slowly moves back while grim stretches a bit
Grim;this is going to be fun Grim said as he smiles
?;lousie stop it The girl said
Louise;shut up your distracting me Louise said
Cheveruse;now strongly imagine the metal that you want to create Cheveruse said
Louise take a deep breathe before saying the Magic words Louise;Lei,in,yan Lousie said as the rocks began to glow before an explosion happens inside the classroom
Once the smoke clears up it shows a hole in the left side of the classroom and some of the kids were unconscious
?;s-see what I mean The girl said
Lousie;looks like a made a little mistake Lousie said
?;what! The girl said
?;how is this little?! A boy said
?;your percentage of success is zero! The blond boy said
?;you zero lousie! The girl said
Grim;man shut the hell up! Grim said as the other kids quickly go silent
(Time skip)
After grim and Louise got out of the reflection room they encountered the 3 popular girl of the academy but Grim forgot the other 2 however he does know Tabitha the smartest of the second years so far...after talking with them lousie went to her room for tomorrow to summon our familiars while grim went to the top of one of the towers on the academy
Grim was looking at the stars in the night sky Grim;wonder what kind of familiar I'll get I just hope it'll fight by my side Grim said as he stretches
(The next day)
Today is the day that the second year students get to summon their familiar...right now they were standing outside of the academy with their professor
?;today is the day of your summoning this is the first exam of your second year as well as the sacred day of your first encounter with your familiar spirit who you will spend the rest of your life with as a part of an aristocratic family The teacher said
Kirche;I can hardly wait to see how great a familiar spirit you will summon Kirche said
Louise;leave me alone Louise said
Grim;let's get this over with man I'm to tired for this Grim said as he stretches
Teacher;I agree with Mr.blaze shall we begin The teacher said as students began to summon their familiar
When other students began to summon their familiars Louise was getting nervous while grim just falling asleep a bit until Tabitha poked grim with her staff keeping him awake
Teacher;have we gone through everyone The teacher asked as he looks around
Kirche;no not yet Miss Vallere and Grim blaze that are left Kirche said
?;it's the zero lousie and the Magic less ripper man A boy Said
?;what are they going to summon? Another boy asked
Grim;you go ahead lousie remember you got this grim said as he waits for his turn
As Grim watches Louise causes another explosion except this time when the smoked cleared up it shows a unconscious boy with a blue sweater on
Grim mind;did Louise summon a prime ape? Grim thought as Louise turns to the professor
Louise;Mr. Colbert please let me summon again Louise said as she looks towards Colbert
Colbert; I can't let you do that Colbert said
Louise;how come Louise asked
Grim;oh boy here we go with the whole speech Grim said as he yawns
Colbert; this is a sacred ceremony that determines a mage's life, redoing it would be a desecration of the ceremony itself regardless of whether you like it or not he has been decided as your familiar spirit Colbert said
Louise;but I've never heard of taking a plebeian as a familiar spirit! Louise said as some of the students laugh at her
Grim;hey shut the hell up you bastards! Grim said as he gets angry for them laughing at his friend
Colbert;I have to agree with Mr blaze now as I was saying whether you like it or not there will be no exceptions continue with the ceremony Colbert said
Louise; with this Louise said as she pokes the boy with her wand
Colbert;Now otherwise you'll really be expelled Colbert said
Grim;that's going overboard Mr.Colbert Grim said but it's gets silent when Louise agreed to do the ceremony
?;go for it Louise A boy said
Louise;you better be grateful you'd normally never get this from an aristocrat Louise said as she walks out to the boy