I am a mage who summoned a familiar for one of my assignment with my friend Louis though my fimiliar is a bit crazy sometimes especially with I'm near other girls
But as he does a burst of flames stop the attack from hitting them...grim saw a ring that looked like his flame ring but different
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Grim grabbed the ring and looked at it Grim;what is this Grim said as albedo cuts the dragon knight in two
Albedo;how dare you me and Grim-sama were having a moment!!! Albedo said as she started to cut some of the enemy into pieces
Grim puts on his new ring and put it in front of the driver Grim;it's show time!!!! Grim said
Driver;flame dragon burn,burn,burn burn!!! The driver said as a dragon made of flames started to dance around him before going into Grim's body changing his armor into a more evolved version of his flame armor
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Albedo sees Grim's new transmission and smiles evilly Albedo;grim-Samar's amazing Albedo said as she rips a knights head off
Grim started to attack on the knights who were on the ground and let's just say they didn't have a fucking chance on winning
As grim was fighting he noticed that Louise and saito was being canard by wardes
Grim;wardes! Grim said with hatred but notices another ring glowing from his chain on his waist
Grim;I guess I should use this one Grim said as he changes the ring from his right hand and puts it in front of the driver
Driver;very nice special! FABULOUS The driver said as a flame dragon started to dance around him again before going into Grim's back...as it does a dragon head appears on his chest
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