Chapter 12

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As they had got back to the academy they immediately sent Grim  to the infirmary to remove the debris from his gut...after that they reported the events that transpired along with the news of prince wales was dead....right now grim opened his eyes to see a white ceiling

Grim;w-where am I?
Grim said as he tried to get up but only groans in pain from his gut

As grim groaned albedo who was next to him gently pushes him back onto the bed

Albedo;please grim-sama you've just got out of surgery you must rest
Albedo said as she looks at grim

Grim; wait where's wardes, what about Louise and saito are they alright
Grim said as he looked around to the best that he could

Albedo;grim-sama they're fine they're relaxing after reporting to the headmaster
Albedo said as her wings lowered a bit

Albedo;you had me worried grim-sama, there was so much blood we thought you've died
Albedo said

Grim;I'm to damn stubborn to die albedo
Grim said as he wipes a tear away from her face

As he did that Gandalf walks into the room with professor Colbert

Colbert;mr blaze I see your awake thank heavens
Colbert said as he signs on relief

Gandalf;mr blaze I've heard that you defended Miss valliere and saito with the body of wales I thank you for that
Gandalf said As he bowed

Grim;it's nothing but what about wardes
Grim asked as albedo held his hand

Gandalf signs
Gandalf;sadly after your incident wardes viscount disappeared
Gandalf said

Grim said under his breath

Gandalf;for now rest mr blaze you've earned it
Gandalf said as he and Colbert left the infirmary

Grim lays there
Grim;so albedo what did I miss
Grim asked as he looks towards her

Albedo;well Grim-sama Mr Colbert along with Louise,Kirche,Tabitha,saito and siesta found a metal dragon and that it came from saito's world
Albedo said

Grim looks towards albedo
Grim;okay I call bullshit on that but I'll believe you
Grim said as he slowly sits up

Albedo;also this land is going to war
Albedo said as she smiled

Grim;oh war okay....,.....wait WAR!
Grim said as he looked at her

(Night time)

After grim recovered he sent albedo to his dorm room while he went to the attendance hall for a meeting

Gandalf; the war against Albion, no Reconquista is no longer avoidable...lead by princess Henrietta the army is being reorganized and assembled
Gandalf said as he looks towards his students

Louise;the princess herself!
Louise said shocked by this

Grim;well that's shocking
Grim said as he stood next to Louise

A girl said as she looked around

?;what will we do
A blind boy said as he scratched his head

Gandalf; as of today the magic academy will be closed until further notice
Gandalf said

?;what will you do
A boy with a X on his head asked

?;I have no choice but to go home
Another blonde kid said

Grim;we have a lot of blond people here huh?
Grim said as he looked around

Louise;grim are you even okay to fight
Louise asked as she points at Grim's bandages

Grim;yea they said I good for this as long as I don't put to much pressure on it
Grim said

Guiche; how pathetically there no one willing to fight for their country
Guiche said

?;guiche are you going to join the army
A girl asked Guiche

Guiche;my father is a marshal so I have to for my family's honour....basically I'm forced to

?;that means you don't wish to go
The girl said looking at Guiche

Kirche;Louise what are you going to do?
Kirche asked

Louise looks towards Kirche
Louise; do you have to ask that?
Louise said as she leaves

Grim stretches
Grim;I'll have to get ready than
Grim said as he headed to his room as well

As he got to his room he saw albedo was sharping her axe

Albedo;Grim-sama when will we be departing
Albedo asked as she puts her axe down

Grim;your staying here albedo
Grim said as he looks at her

Albedo looks at grim with shock
Albedo;but Grim-sama we could do this together
Albedo said as she stood up and walked towards grim

Grim;albedo I have to do this if I don't I can't be a warrior, a mage if I couldn't protect the people I care about
Grim said as he got his rings and his driver

Albedo; you don't have to prove anything grim-sama, if you go you'll die!
Albedo said

Grim;I don't want you get hurt
Grim said

Albedo;I could handle myself master remember I fought a war so makes a difference
Albedo said

Grim;because I love you albedo!
Grim said as he looked at her

Albedo stepped back a bit from grim raising his voice and the fact that grim said he loved her
Albedo;w-what g-grim-sama
Albedo said

Grim;I said I love you and I can't bare it if you got hurt
Grim said as he slipped a ring on albedo's finger

Albedo looks down at the ring and noticed that it's one of the magic rings
Albedo;grim-sama what are yo-
Albedo gets cut off by grim placing her hand in front of the driver

Driver;sleep please
The driver said as a magic symbol appears behind her head

Albedo;what did you do
Albedo said as she passes out

Grim picked her up and gently lays her onto the bed
Grim;I'm sorry albedo
Grim said as he kissed her forehead before heading out

(3rd pov morning)

The sun was up and light hits albedo in the face

Albedo;hmmm Grim-sama?
Albedo said as she turned to her side to see grim but he wasn't there

Albedo quickly sits up
Albedo said as she looked around for grim but he was there

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