Chapter 5, Elf War Finale - Richard vs. Demonic

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Demonic roared and charged toward me, but I dodged and slashed him. The battle between us progressed from there, with all the training I had put in from the past week coming to bear fruit. The blows he did land on me, and there were many, hurt like getting bitten by 3 snakes at the same time, but they didn't slow me down much. Demonic soon realized that attacking me with his weapon, a dull bladed though also double edged sword wasn't getting him anywhere so he swung his fist in a left hook, hoping to knock me off balance. I ducked, then kicked his groin with my foot hard. It was then I decided to reveal my dual blade secret, and Demonic went wide eyed when he saw that I could wield two blades at once. I had gained the upper hand, and until he got down to 10% of his health, I used that effectively, mixing physical kicks and punches with attacks from my swords, using unorthodox attacks against Demonic whenever I could, which was a lot. When he got to 10%, he howled very loudly, and drew a very long bladed sword that looked more like a spear, but with a very incorrectly placed spear point. Dodging his first attack, I was shocked to see it actually make a goddamn dent in the boss floor. From that point on, my strategy changed to that of running in circles around him, slashing him at various intervals with my dual blades combined with my sword skills, which made effective use of the disadvantage his long ass weapon had. Needless to say, he really hadn't thought of a very effective way to counter that, or at least Kayaba and his developers didn't. The flawless tactic succeeded in wiping out the rest of his health bar, and Demonic fell to the ground with a loud crunch before disappearing, defeated.

I took a deep breath after sitting down. Resting by the wall near the door that led to Floor 4, I couldn't believe it. I had defeated N'ltzahh/Demonic and saved Aincrad and my friends/lovers, but I had also defeated a Floor Boss literally single-handily. Who is this? Who am I?! I thought as the door to Floor 4 opened first, and then the doors that led into the room from the labyrinth opened soon after. Everyone, including a healed Kysarah, was standing there, shocked by what they saw in front of them. "Richard, did you defeat the floor boss?" Crawford asked. I could only nod, to which the jaws of everyone except my friends, Kizmel, Asuna, Argo, and Kirito dropped wide open. "Whoa.. this kid really deserves to be called the 'Demon Lord of Aincrad!'" shouted a tall redhead player standing behind Kirito. (AN: Yeah, it's Klein. Though I'm saving him till Floor 10, so if you know what happens on that floor in Integral Factor, you get why I'm saving him for now.) "Where's N'ltzahh?" Kirito asked. "He transformed into the floor boss" I answered him. "To be honest, he transformed into a weaker ass version of himself." Kizmel walked up and smacked me on the cheek. "That was the most reckless thing I've ever seen you do.."she said, before whispering the rest into my ear. "..Thank god I love you for it." She kissed me on the cheek and giggled a little as I blushed, a bit embarrassed and surprised. The emotion, though, didn't prevent me from noticing Kysarah going a bit weak in the knees and blushing as well. Then, the other girls ran in and hugged me, sobbing a bit. "Rich-kun! Thank god you're still alive!" shouted all of them except Kizmel, who just joined in on the hug.
Yep, my luck is absurd.

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