Chapter 4 - The Fourth Labyrinth I

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(Author's Note: For this chapter, I'm going through in concepts and references from other movies, mostly non-anime ones because I think we can all agree that labyrinths full of monsters just get boring after a while. So I'm going to take these references and spice it up a bit.)

Anyone who says all the labyrinths are the same except for the monsters, you're a goddamn liar. You really are, in this case. Going up the Fourth Floor Labyrinth was at first easier than expected for the Assault Team. Then we soon realized why, for Kayaba, the genius he is, had also integrated traps and obstacles into the labyrinth. One of these was a stream of water in a pit going down from a complete gap between us and the rest of the labyrinth, since we were about close to the top of it, and hadn't found the boss yet. We were all looking down into it, packed at the edge, which in hindsight we shouldn't have been, because Klein comes running around the corner behind us trying to get away from a rare higher level monster and knocks everyone, including himself, into the stream below. While I somehow just floated like I was laying down on top of the water, the rest of the group fought to keep their heads up. We did lose a couple of people who couldn't keep their head above these raging rapids, but it also separated us. I honestly didn't know where or who I was gonna end up with, so I just enjoyed the "ride" as best I could. It was about maybe 5 minutes before I got off the raging rapids and wouldn't you know it, the path I picked dropped me off right next to the doors to the boss. Just my luck, I thought as I helped Asuna, Kirito, and Agil out of the water. "So it's just the four of us?" asked Agil. I nodded, then started towards the boss room. "Wait!" he called. "Don't you think we should wait for the others?" Kirito sighed. "Agil, listen. We don't know where the others ended up. They could been sent back to the entrance, deposited in a horde of monsters and died, sent off of Aincrad to their doom, or landed in a part we already cleared of the labyrinth. Richard's right, we don't wait, we fight the boss to make sure any of their deaths aren't in vain." Asuna nodded in agreement. Agil sighed and prepared himself as the four of us entered the boss room.

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