Chapter 1 - I'm The Owner Of A Private Resort?!

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From all accounts, aside from the monsters, Floor 4 of Aincrad was a forest of trees bordering the beachy shoreline of a lake. Given the tense nature of the previous floor, it was honestly both aesthetically and visually pleasing. "Dude, now this is paradise" Brandon said, walking up beside me after we had made it to Floor 4. "Agreed" Crawford said. "Now this guy can see his beauties in bikinis." I look at him, embarrassed. "Crawford, stop" I whined, before glancing my head back at the girls, who were all staring down at the ground, faces red from the thought of me seeing them in a bikini. Mentally shaking my mind back into focus, I checked on my level and skills.

Level: 43
Skills and Buffs unlocked on Floor IV:
- Fisherman's Luck: 125% chance to catch rare fish when fishing.
- Poison Spell, Level 1 - Dark Magic. When used, all enemies (player-killers, enemy NPCs, boss, or monsters) will become poisoned and lose 425 hp every three seconds. Lasts for 30 seconds. (To reach Level 2, you must reach Floor 5.)
- Judgement Of Retribution, Level 1 - Dark Magic. When used, any monster or player killer or enemy npc below Level 30 dies instantly via damage they inflict on you accumulatively multiplied by your level. Above Level 30 to 50, damage counts for 50% of their HP. Above 50, 10% percent. (To reach Level 2, you must reach Floor 7.)

Property Unlocked:
-  acquired property "Demon Lord's Private Residence" aka "Seaside Private Resort/Spa".

For the second time in two floors, I was shocked. I mean, getting dark magic as a demon lord is good and all, but the fact that Monschau was apparently powerful and wealthy enough to own a private resort as his private residence was mind blowing. Like, how much wealth did this dude have?!
The resort was pretty impressive, even with the fact it hadn't been used in a while. "Hard to believe that Monschau lived at a place like this" Crawford said to me, while we were looking around. "I know right? It like shatters stereotypes" I replied to him. The house seemed to glow in color as we were walking through it, or that might been just me. I don't really know. "You know, for the hotels I've seen in Aincrad so far, this one feels like something from real life" Crawford called out to me. I couldn't disagree with his logic there really, because it really did, as much as a resort in a virtual fantasy world like Aincrad could get to it. I mean, the place even had its own private warp that I could configure to include my friends and NPC/player haremettes. I turned to Crawford. "How much Col you got?" I asked him. "I know you have at least 500 k of Col right now, and I have.. like 300 k. Why do you ask?" I smirked. "Think it's a good time to see if Aincrad has a furniture and decoration industry."

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