Chapter 2 - Koharu's Arc, Part II : More The Merrier... NOT!!

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Explaining to Asuna and Argo the story of how fate by chance gave me probably one of the most broken swords in SAO ever, was to be honest, about as hard as I thought it would be. Nevertheless, they seemed to believe it, thank goodness. But, as crazy as that may sound, it was a relief. It was one less problem I had to worry about. Koharu, however, was a different story. Since I saved her and Alexis earlier, much to my shock, and to the amusement of most of my friends, she had become very clingy, never leaving my side. It was, in a way, a bit retrospective of how clingy to living Kayaba had made us. None of us wanted to die, that part was true, at least that's what I thought. If only I knew of the **** show of betrayals and shenanigans from the player killers and people that had no moral dignity I'd have to endure down the road..
One of the worst, worst things about Floor 2 for me is the part where you find yourself trying to guard your friends, who are in a jewelry shop of all things, from a 100% A.I. caused Mob Stampede of cow and bull monsters that is barreling down on you. Sure, the number of only 75 may be light compared to the sheer number of mobs that spawn in Aincrad every minute combined, and the fact that by this point, I'm Level 36, but let's be real here, it's absolutely terrifying given the circumstances. Because believe it or not, that's mostly how I feel right now as this very scenario was occurring, even with the status buffs that the Demon Sword gave me, because as you know, damage protection buffs doesn't protect you from every form of death, I knew that for a fact. But, I think of my parents, my friends both in the game with me and back in the real world, my family, and Koharu, and the rage that filled me when I practically destroyed what health remained of Illfang singlehandely returned. Knowing what I had to do, I gripped the demon sword, said a word of prayer to god, and dove in.
In the event, the carnage that erupted in front of the Jewelry shop apparently caused the A.I. to feed more and more mobs into the inferno, as much as 600-700 according to some accounts. I myself lost count in my rage and blur filled moments. Honestly, even with the Demon Sword and buffs that it came with, it was still one of the worst days I'd ever spend in Aincrad, in my own opinion. I probably got stabbed in the chest by bull and cow horns about 80 times, from what I recall, but even with the exhaustion and the pain that came with it, even though it wasn't lowering my HP bar any, it still ******* hurt. But, I survived that, because the last thing I saw before I lost consciousness was Crawford and Brandon helping me up onto my feet, for I had collapsed when the mobs had finally retreated.
I woke up probably 2 days later, in the morning, my chest covered in bandages. (Note: Since Richard has the damage protection buff, his wounds are much more physical temporarily than the characters in canon SAO, and as such, he gets the shorter end of the stick on healing.) What was holding on to my right and left arms, however, I am going to say literally gave me a cliche Vu Deja moment. Both Alexis and Koharu were holding on to my arms, each nuzzling their heads into the sides of my neck. Both of them were blushing and looking at me with affection. "Hey Rich-kun" Koharu said sweetly. "Glad to see my Richard is still living" said Alexis, before they started arguing about who gets me. I sighed, knowing full well this was the effects of Harem Attraction. Until now, I didn't know which two females it was attracting, and now I did. I sighed. 'Whoever inherited this sword before me is probably hoping I play this better than they did.'

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