Chapter 1, The Elf War Arc - How I Got The "Demon Lord Of Aincrad" Nickname

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Yeah, just took my first steps on Floor 3 and now I have a purple haired elf pointing an arrow drawn on a bow at my face. Not the way you'd think my introduction to this floor would go. Given what my new found abilities I would unlock on this floor would say, in retrospect, it was about as expected as anyone could have guessed. Either way, it was a really rude awakening kind of experience. "Why the heck are you calling me Demon Lord? What the ****, lady?" I said to her, which didn't do anything at all. "Don't lie to me. You're the successor of the former Demon Lord Of Aincrad Monschau, right?" she asked seriously. While Alexis and Koharu looked on with nervous glances, and the rest of the group, mainly the guys, prepared for a fight, I decided to come clean with the truth. "I mean, I guess. I touched this demon sword on the first floor and I've been.. how do you say it.. um.. fused with it in a way ever since." And if you were expecting me to say something cooler than that, well too bad because that was how I decided to respond. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, she took me by hand and pulled me along. "Come with me please" she said, much to me and my friends' shock. Now what was I getting into?

It was also about this time I decided to check my skills, and see what was added on. This time, I probably earned the envy of every other player in the freaking game.

Abilities Gained On Floor 3:
- Harem Attraction Lvl 2: Attracts four more females in addition to the two already attracted. (To unlock Lvl 3, you must reach Floor 7.)
- Boss Invulnerability: Enemies In Towers And Boss Fights No Longer Can Inflict Damage On You.
- Healing Lvl 2: recovers 11,000 HP every 2 seconds. (To unlock Lvl 3, you must reach Floor 5.)

-  NPC Invulnerability - Enemy NPCs can no longer inflict damage on you.

Profile Titles Unlocked:
- added title "Demon Lord Of Aincrad".

..yeah, from here on out, everyone would come to know me as the Demon Lord Of Aincrad. And yet, that wasn't the end of the discomforts I would have to endure from now on, even though what I got later on clearing this particular floor was honestly about as enviable as the invulnerability part. (But I still loved it, or them, I should say.)

So apparently, even though Kayaba created Sword Art Online, the game seems to have developed a mind of its own, because here I am, taking on the Elf War Demon Lord Campaign Quest. Of course, the fact that I am currently being escorted by my friends and the Purple Haired Elf lady, who by now I've learned is a Dark Elf named Kizmel, to a conference between the royalty of the Forest Elves and Dark Elves to try to end the conflict, didn't really seem to give me as much worry about what I was going to face for the boss of the floor than it probably should have given me, as in I hadn't been informed about how this god **** war even started in the first place. The fact that Kizmel was seemingly eyeing me up, much to the displeasure of Alexis and Koharu, did not help matters.


     In retrospect, I don't know what plan to end a war between elven races involves betrothing the princesses of both groups to the Demon Lord, aka me,  in order to achieve peace. Because to be honest, aside from the group of very angry helmeted masked elves coming toward me and the others right now, that's exactly what happened. But it didn't matter, because these enemies were about to realize what the heck they provoked in trying to continue this war. I unsheathed the demon sword, put an arm up to tell Kizmel and the others, including Kirito and Asuna, who had joined us by this point, that I could handle this, and just dove into them.

"What the ****?" shouted one of them. "I'm not inflicting any damage!" They seemed utterly confused why their target, the Demon Lord being me, was not taking any damage. I'm guessing they were able to inflict damage on the previous demon lord, I don't know. But, it didn't matter. I just cut through them like they were nothing. One by one, they fell by my hand. You could see the panic on their faces that showed they didn't think this through. By at least 10 minutes into the fight, I had whittled their numbers, which I estimated to be at 50 when the fight began, to about 10, so I stepped back a bit and made them an offer. "Tell me who you're doing this for, and I promise I'll let you live"I said to them. "Why should we even tell you, Demon Lord? We're going to keep this war going so we can get what we want!" shouted back a couple of them. I shrugged and stepped toward them. "Oh well, I offered.."I said, before destroying the remaining 10 of them in quick succession. I took a look back at the group. Kizmel, the Forest and Dark Elf Soldiers and the Elven Nobles and Royalty just stood there, shocked. Kirito and Asuna looked amazed, and my friends were smiling and cheering. It was then I noticed Kibaou and some other players standing nearby, also shocked at what they had apparently witnessed. Then, one of them spoke. "Yep... he deserves to be called the Demon Lord of Aincrad." The name stuck.

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