Chapter 1 - Koharu's Arc, Part 1

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(Author's Note: Finally! We have reached Floor 2! As the game has made multiple ship teases about the Player/Koharu pairing, she will be the first person to have an individualized arc in the story. Some more familiar characters will make their first appearance in this arc, and Richard will learn some new things about his demon sword, and the powers it has granted him. Anyways enjoy, and watch out for new stories as well.)

Floor 2.
The floor that had a particularly meat flavored theme, well.. yeah, the mobs made you have that craving of meat, really. Kirito had already gone, probably exploring. Kibaou was also gone, to who knows where, I have no idea. I decided to check my status.

Name: Richard Francis Walker Jr.
Age: 17
Level: 35

I only went up one level from that boss fight. Then I scrolled down a little.

- Dual Wield
- Floor Immunity: Immune to damage from all monsters on any floor (except in Tower Labyrinth)
- Berserk Mode : Attack Strength increases by 100,000 times that of damage level. (only active when another teammate is about to suffer a would be death blow)
- Harem Attraction Lvl 1 : Attracts 2 females. For every floor beyond this one, the current attraction level (1 female) increases by 1. (Unlocked on Floor 2, to reach Level 2, you must reach Floor 3)
- Boss Bait : activated once you attack the boss. Does not extend to Boss Minions.
- Healing Level 1: HP Bar heals by 10,000 every 2 seconds. (Unlocked on Floor 2, to reach Level 2, you must reach Floor 3)
- MP Charger: MP always stays at 100, no matter what. (Unlocked on Floor 2)

I did a double take and then looked at my demon sword. So, there's powers that this sword contains that have to be unlocked?! You got to be kidding me, I thought to myself. Crawford came up behind me and knocked me out of my thoughts. "Thinking about something, Richard?" he asked me. "Yeah, mainly the fact that I haven't seen the full range of what this sword contains. Like, there are skills I have unlocked on this floor that are practically cheat skills, like the Floor Immunity on the last floor." Crawford looked at me, dumbfounded. "You're kidding me?! This sword has more than we have seen so far?!" he yelped. I nodded to him, and he laughed. "Great, so my best friend has turned into an Aincrad Terminator" Crawford joked, before gesturing me toward Koharu, Alexis, and the hooded girl with the rapier from the meeting talking to a shorty blonde wearing a cloak. "So, from what it seems, the short cloaked girl's name is Argo and the taller one's name is Yuuki Asuna." I gave him a double take. "The daughter of the head of RECT Inc. in here?! Poor girl.." I lamented. "Not only that, but I hear her twin sister is in here as well" Crawford said in my ear. (AN: Yes, I am giving Asuna a twin sister, because Richard is going to end up walking away with the inheritance of some families' tied to him due to the events of Aincrad.) I gave him another double take. "Are you even suggesting I try seducing Asuna Yuuki's twin sister?!" I asked him, bewildered. He just rolled his shoulders. "I don't know, but hey, maybe that sword of yours knows.." he said, smirking, then walked off. I wanted to follow him, but then I heard a scream. I turn, and there's Koharu and Alexis pinned against the side of a very tall Cliff wall by a hoard of angry cow monsters. There was some commotion behind me, but I was off in seconds. I saw red again, and I just went ham on those cows. There were about 25-30 cow monsters between me and Alexis and Koharu, and I just laid waste to all of them, in probably about half a minute. I looked at Alexis and Koharu. "You two okay?" I asked, only for the two of them to hug me tightly, bawling their eyes out into my chest. Crawford is just laughing his ass off, while Asuna and Argo just look at me, dumbfounded. ****, they know my secret now. Asuna walks over to me. "That was both reckless and insane" she says to me. "And you probably should be dead by now, even with you being.. w-wait.. how in the world are you already at Level 36?!"she starts, then asks, shocked. I gave her a straight face. "You probably wouldn't believe me even if I told you.."

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