Update 5/26/21 (Not a chapter)

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For those of you that have enjoyed this fanfic and the Star Wars/MLP crossover "The Death Baron of Canterlot High", as well as Bakugan: Rise Of The Doomkeeper, I have another crossover fanfic I am working on at the moment. In "Freezing - Bakugan Edition",  a crossover fanfic between Bakugan and fellow anime Freezing, the eyes of humanity in their fight against the Nova fall onto an unlikely group of brawlers from New Vestroia and Gundalian Invaders. And with the exception of Sid Arkale, the book's main protagonists is everyone's favorite group of Vestal's Top Bakugan Brawlers, the Vexos. Lync, Shadow, Volt, Mylene, and Hydron are back from the dead to be set on a course that will give them girl problems, boy problems, wicked secrets, awesome new powers, far more powerful and redeemed versions of themselves, and of course, new enemies. You'll have to check it out to see how it plays out!

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