Chapter 3, Koharu's Arc - The New Normality Of Intel Briefings

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Much to my dismay, Crawford and the other guys were giggling at my predicament with Koharu and Alexis. "Thanks a lot, you guys" I said to them sarcastically while getting ready for the intel briefing on the Floor Boss. "Don't blame us, blame that sword of yours for providing us with entertainment" Brandon chuckled. "Chill guys, let's get this floor boss over with" said a suddenly serious Crawford. That ended the giggling and joking as we all got ready for the briefing.
Due to me beating the **** out of Illfang on the previous floor, I guess it should have come as no surprise to me that the boss beating strategy involved me as a tank, which is pretty ironic, since given my sword skills and buffs, I would only be effective as a tank if I was enraged like I was when attacking Illfang. In normal circumstances, at this particular stage of Aincrad, I was about as vulnerable as the other players to dying from the monsters and boss, or should I say, bosses in the labyrinth. And yeah, you heard that right, there were three bosses for the Assault Team to face. I looked at it with a straight face, a very straight and serious face, what I was up against because I had honestly realized by now that what this game wasn't just a world of that bastard Kayaba's own design, wasn't just a "survival of the fittest", it was straight up a game in which you had to face your own fears, stare death in the face, and either come out traumatized or, in my case, become a stronger person than before. True, I went into these labyrinths, keenly aware of the chance this or any of the labyrinths remaining could be the one that ends my life. Yes, I was scared, but did I cower and back down? No, I did not. I went into these labyrinths driven by multiple things. I went into this driven by the goal of making sure I, my friends, and as many people that deserved to be free of SAO due to the BS I would deal with down the road with some of it literally all by myself while my friends were suffering, got out of this ****hole alive, no matter what the cost. I was driven by the desire to get my revenge on Akihiko Kayaba, for this whole ordeal. I was driven by the desire to get to live out the rest of my life, even if it meant I had to grow up in a game of death. Was I facing an uphill battle and nearly impossible odds? Probably.

Bottom Line is that, I was going to live by that goal, no matter what. Even with the **** I endured for the next two years.

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