Chapter 4 - Koharu's Arc, Finale: Ignition

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For one of the very rare multi boss tower battles I would encounter in Aincrad, the one in Floor 2 was fairly unremarkable in regards to the first of the three, Nato the Colonel Taurus. He had the same attack pattern as Illfang, and so he was easy to take down. I honestly would say afterwards that he was one of the weakest bosses out of all of those I encountered in Aincrad. The same could not be said for the other two, however. Baran The General Taurus was a bit stronger, and although he looked like the Greek Minotaur on some performance enhancing drugs or some shit, he seemingly directed a fair proportion of his attacks towards me, whenever I was like standing 10-15 yards away or as close as 3-5 ft. Honestly, I didn't know why at the time, but it seemed a bit annoying, to be honest. But with the number of players in the room outnumbering him by a lot, it was again only a matter of time before he fell, releasing the final of the three, and the one that kinda had everyone else worrying about if they were going to clear it, well until I stepped in. As soon as Asterios The Taurus King came in, he knee butted Kibaou into the far side of the boss room and knocked him out cold. He was okay though, he was still breathing, just that he had been given the buff "Exhaustion", which meant he was exhausted like at the snap of a finger. For some reason, I had been given "Paralysis" as soon as Asterios had spawned, and while I couldn't move or anything, it really wasn't causing any damage to my HP or anything, just forced to sit down on my butt and watch for a bit, much to my discomfort. Much to my chagrin, due to my paralysis, I was forced to sit and watch while Asterios literally kicked the asses of practically every high level player in the Assault Team, including Diavel, Kirito, Agil, Asuna, and even Brandon and Crawford. Throughout all of this, weirdly, the Lesser Taurus Swordsmen minions that had been spawned had just stayed off to the side and watched the whole thing. It was only as Asterios came towards me, with Alexis and Koharu at my side, and was about to flatten the three of us, that the rage kicked in and I broke the paralysis through pure rage and countered Asterios. I heard someone mutter, "Oh ****, it's back" as I sliced at Asterios' hammer so hard I carved enough out of it that it was reduced to looking like a sword. Unlike Illfang, Asterios became angrier and we went at it for a while, the girls and most of the guys cheering me on, as I literally fought Asterios all by myself. Normally, I feel a little bit left out to dry in that situation, but in the rage and anger I was feeling, I didn't care. I just did what I had to do, in this case, slice the **** out of the remainder of Asterios' health bar until he was finally defeated, and only when he was defeated, did the boss minions finally regain any sense of fight and attacked me. Even though I was swarmed, I made short work of them. Only when the last one disappeared did the battle end and the effects were removed from everyone else. I returned to my normal senses, still feeling a bit winded from the selfless rage fighting I had just done. Agil walked over to me. "I have never seen a man fight with more rage and fury than you did just now. I wonder why that is so." I shrugged my shoulders and continued on towards Floor 3, the gang following behind me, and Alexis and Koharu arguing about who gets to have me. I sighed, knowing that with each level up of Harem Attraction, there was going to be more and more girls added on to this argument. Nevertheless, I walked up the stairs to Floor 3, walked out into a dark and murky forest, and straight to the blade end of a sword, held by a very unfriendly purple haired elf. "Halt, Demon Lord!"
(AN: So that's Floor 2! For those of you that are fans of SAO: Progressive, I will throw in Progressive Bosses in later floors or where I see fit. As for Richard's ability upgrades, some of these are just for the sake of the storyline of Integral Factor, depending on the boss of the current floor and what not. And yes, it seems the Demon Lord Of Aincrad nickname is finally starting to attach itself to Richard. How will he react to this? Find out next time!)

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