Chapter 5 - The Fourth Labyrinth II

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The boss was named "Wythege The Hippocampus", a rather odd name for a boss, I will admit. But honestly, it looked like a sea horse that had grown into an actual horse yet still looked it had been created through incest or some shit. But it was angry, angry at the four of us who had decided to ruin its day maybe, I don't know. But I honestly do know one thing. It was about as easy as Illfang was really, nothing much to it. We managed to defeat it and not lose anyone, to my relief. The others arrived just as the doors to the fifth floor opened. "I see you all defeated it" Kibaou said to us. "Yeah, nothing to it really, though I have to say, at least Kayaba has some sense about changing it up." Everyone else nodded in agreement. "That seemed too easy, though" Kirito said, to which I kinda shrugged before continuing to the fifth floor.

(Note: Sorry for the short chapter. With Winter Break coming to an end, I will be returning to school this week, so updates on both this and "The Death Baron Of Canterlot High" will be slowed down a bit as a result. Anyways, continuing reading, liking, and commenting on both these stories. And also, I thank everyone who has stopped by to read this. I'm really shocked that this has over 1,000 reads right now. Anyways, enjoy both of these and stay tuned for the next updates on either story!)

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