Chapter 2 - Game On (Edited)

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In the instant that I touched the sword, even though my level didn't change, I found myself blessed with some high level skills right off the bat, including dual wielding, and some ridiculous ones like Demigod, which meant all floor enemies, with the exception of the ones in the tower, wouldn't be able to land a hit of damage on me. I staggered back for a bit, looking at the skills and noticing how much they boosted my current stats. A smirk crept onto my face, and suddenly, I felt a new sense of determination to follow through, beat this game, destroy Kayaba, and end this nightmare before everyone died. Returning to my original endeavor, I headed for the Plains, confident and now having been turned into a monster, though the extent of my monstrous power would only become more and more evident floor by floor.

Very few other people had left the spawn by now, mostly beta testers who due to their knowledge of the game, had enough sense to accept reality, move on, and start leveling up. Those that did were few and far between, so no one saw me yet. I felt a little bit bad for leaving my friends behind, but my best friend, Crawford, knew me inside and out. He was well aware in situations like this, me taking off by myself was just a coping strategy.. to get away from the stress and be able to process my thoughts. Along the way, I saw a black haired guy running towards the northwest gate, the same determination in his eyes. That was Kirito, though at the time, I didn't know his name, nor did I care about it. All that I knew at that point was that I had to start killing monsters, start completing quests, and start leveling up. I wasn't a beta tester, that was for sure, and copies of the game were limited, so it was by pure fortune that me and my friends' town even got a shipment of them, plus the fact that the owner of the shop that had these copies was a friend of my parents' that I even got here. Now that I was in this mess, whether anyone else beside my friends liked it or not, I was going to fight like hell to get out of here.. no matter how long it takes me.

As the northwest gate of the Town Of Beginnings flashed by me as I ran into Origin Plains and towards the waiting mobs straight ahead of me, the boy called Kirito having veered off to the left and no other beta testers within plain sight, I pulled out the Demon Sword from its sheath, which had magically appeared on my back the moment I had touched it, and felt a surge of tremendous power flow through my arm, only for a few seconds though.. as if to let it become known to me that this sword had massive power to it that I was not capable of understanding at the moment. But that didn't matter at the moment, because all that I needed with this sword and the demigod skill, because with it, the mobs ahead of me had no chance against what was coming their way. Their fate was sealed to become my first victims on my long road to getting everyone out of Aincrad.
Another kobold turned into a disappearing band of pixels. I laughed, knowing that he, and the dozens of enemies that had gone before him, were perfectly useless. I checked my level, it was now Level 10. Then, I thought about something, about how some people, like me, hadn't stayed at the spawn, and headed out as well. Probably Beta-Testers, I thought, and then another thought struck me. What are the odds that someone that's not a beta tester gets blessed with a sword like this? It shouldn't be possible, it's not like this was part of the game, was it? No, it couldn't be. Then what was it then? I didn't have the answer, there was just no way to know. I sat there for a bit, gazing up at the moon, or the ceiling of the first floor. Then I got up and left, thinking about how in the world I am going to explain to my friends about this wicked sword that I had acquired, by pure chance. —————————————————————————
I had just walked probably 3/4 of a mile when I saw her.

There she was, tear stained eyes, gazing up at the sky, crying

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There she was, tear stained eyes, gazing up at the sky, crying. Honestly, I would be crying too, but unlike her and most of the others, I had enough common sense to move on and start finding a way out, even if it meant taking on 100 floor bosses to do it. Unlike everyone else though, I wasn't still reeling from the shock of all of this. I had already accepted it and moved on faster than they did, so that right now.. the unbridled rage that all the mobs I had slain so far had been on the receiving end of wasn't from me being a psycho or anything like that.. it was because I was full of fury, angry that my preferred target wasn't anywhere close to me at the moment and so, instead of taking my anger out on players or NPCs, I took it out on the mobs.

But, aside from that, she looked beautiful, if you discount the crying and all. I must have been staring too long, because she turned and looked at me, then gasped. She must have noticed I was Level 10 already, crap! I turned to run, but she grabbed my arm and weeped into it. I didn't know who she was at the time, but neither could I know that she would play a part in what I would eventually became. And it started with just five words.

"Please don't leave me here."

I couldn't just say no, and so I didn't leave her there. Even with a now asleep girl on my back, and loads of mobs in front of me, I just relied on my rage and the Demon Sword to destroy all that stood in my way until I got back to the Town Of Beginnings.. and my waiting friends.

And in case you were wondering, as I approached them, I still had no idea how I was going to explain this.. at all.

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