Chapter 38

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“Do you think that storm is going to hit us?” 

Deacon and I stand out in the far pasture where we are taking care of some pest issues. We each have a small pellet gun that we’re using to spook the groups of birds that are trying to gather in the land and eat patches into the grass. We didn’t mind the birds, they were good for many reasons, but when we’re trying to grow the grass out in this pasture and they come here to eat the birdseed, well that is a problem.

I look up and check out the storm clouds that are brewing off in the distance and it truly does seem ominous. I nod my head while looking back over to my brother, “Yeah, it kind of looks nasty and probably heading this way.”

“Do we need to flood prep?”

“Nah, I think we’ll be okay. If it does end up getting heavy, we had a load of bags in the fifth barn from last storm prep.”

“Okay good because I really didn’t want to do that today.”

“Did you have any plans for tonight?”

“Nah, just going to see whatever Cat made us for dinner and then crash for the night.”

“No Stef?” I throw a grin his way, but the look he gives me back is less than amused.

“Why do you keep doing that?”

“Doing what?” I play a level of innocence, knowing full well what he is getting made at me about.

“Everybody and this damn Stef thing. You are all making a bigger deal out of it than you are. We’re friends, that is all. I hang out with her, I hang out with Miles and Lyle, hang out with you. Hell, I hang out with all of you and the other girls at the same time. So why, when Stef and I hang out alone, do you all start making it into something it isn’t?”

“I don’t know, maybe because this time last year you were practically professing your love for her and then she stomped on your heart and you walked around like a broken hearted puppy for a few months.”

“I did not.”


“Don’t Deac me. I jumped into something with Stef that she wasn’t ready for and hell, if I’m being honest, I wasn’t ready for either. We make better friends than anything else. Maybe in the future something will happen, but I’m not going to force something. I like her, I think she’s funny and smart and I like hearing about her day and shooting the shit with her. I’d rather have that in my life nothing at all.”

I look over at my brother, still exhausted from his rant. “Wow.”


“You’re really sprung on her, huh?”

He rolls his eyes and grunts, “Please shut up.”

“This time.”

I know he hates me giving him shit, but I don’t want my brother settling in some weird single bachelor life just because he’s too chicken shit to make another move. The two of them have pretty much been pussy footing around the idea of a relationship since Stef moved into town with Ember. I don’t know everything, because Deacon is pretty quiet about it, but apparently they were doing this friends with benefits thing for some time, but I guess Stef was also sleeping with Ember’s brother on and off.

Ember was probably the most pissed off at the situation than anybody. She didn’t realize that Stef and her brother were doing it. Deacon pretended it didn’t bother him, but he certainly was grouchier and took out his anger on his daily work. He refused to talk to me and I let him stew. When all was said and done, he seemed to bounce back just fine. He started going out again, staying out all night, I assumed he was back to himself. That didn’t last long though and he seemed to be right back into the whirlpool that was Stef.

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