Chapter 9

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I pulled the gray sheet up over my body while Jace climbed out of bed and disposed of the condom. It was the third one we had gone through so far tonight. God, he was amazing. I don’t remember the last time somebody else gave me an orgasm and I certainly NEVER experienced so many orgasmic pleasures in one night before. There was something about a strong man like Jace taking control in the bedroom, but also making sure that I was taken care of and I was really, REALLY taken care of.

“Okay, that may have been the one to do me in.” He chuckled a bit as he pulled back the blankets and slid into bed next to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I snuggled up against his body, resting my head on his chest. 

“You said that the last time.”

“Yeah, but you said that too and clearly you weren’t done either.”

“I think I might be done now. Not that it isn’t all amazing and great, but I’m exhausted. Plus, pretty sure I’m dehydrated.”

“Do you want me to go get you something to drink?”

“In a bit, not right now, I just want you to stay here and hold me.”

“I can’t argue with that.” 

He squeezed his arms a little tighter around me and we laid in silence for a bit. I was exhausted, but not tired. I really liked this feeling of being in Jace’s arms and I didn’t want it to go away. I didn’t understand how in less than two days I could develop such strong feelings for something, but here I was. I felt like I was laying in bed with a man that I had known for months, but just hours. Every so often I would feel his lips kiss the top of my head or brush against my temple. His thumb was drawing circular patterns around my arm, causing goosebumps to pop up, even though I was warm under the blanket.


Jace finally broke the silence, but the strain in his voice signified something that I was quite familiar with. “Yeah?”

“I promised that I wouldn’t stare and I wouldn’t make a big deal of it. If you tell me no, consider it dropped, but will you tell me?”

I prop myself up onto my elbow and I turn to face him. He looked so sincere in his question. I felt safe with him and I knew if I said no he’d let it go, but there was something about the way he was looking into my eyes that I felt a sense of security in telling him.

“I don’t want you to think any differently of me.”

His hand cupped my jaw and he brushed against my cheek with his rough, calloused thumb. “I promise I won’t. can trust me.”

My heart skipped a beat because for a moment I thought he was going to say he loved me. That would be insane though, right? I sunk back into his body and he reached over to take my hand, resting it on his chest, linking his fingers in mine,

“When I was around eleven, I started to..erm..develop. It was so awkward looking though because I was tall compared to some of the other girls and I was still boxy, but my breasts began to grow and I just looked so fucking weird.”

“I bet that isn’t true.”

“It was true. My dad had been elected for the State Senate for the very first time and they have this fancy inauguration ball. My mom hired a stylist to make sure that we all looked perfect. We needed to look pretty and handsome and everything needed to be perfect so when we stood on that stage next to my dad, we would we be the envy of everybody. My weird body shape though? I looked horrible in the dress that they had picked out before the change took place.”

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