Chapter 7

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Jace was worried that his truck might actually run out of gas, so he ended up turning off the engine. It got chilly, but that just gave us a good excuse to wrap up in the blanket I brought. He also let me borrow his hoodie that he kept in the truck. We talked for at least another two hours. I told him about my dad’s job and my mom’s insistence on perfection. We talked about my family and how I often feel like an outcast.

He, in return, told me about his family and the crazy family tree that this farm holds. Anytime he brought up his dad, I could tell that there was still so much hurt there, but he also told me about Granger, his dad’s best friend turned step-father. I could tell that Granger had a huge impact on his life and certainly was part of the reason he grew up to be the man that he is now. I’d say Granger did a pretty fantastic job if that was the case. He also told me how his aunt and uncle started dating and it was kind of strange at first. 

We talked about his cousin, Clemmy, who found herself sixteen and pregnant, but not nearly as glamorous as the TV show made it out to be. My heart broke for her, she gave everything to a boy who left her high and dry. By the end of this story, I was ready to call some family friends in Washington to try and track this asshole down. I made a mental note to remember the name Robert Styles, just in case.

We got on the topic of college and he laughed when I told him I majored in English with an emphasis in creative writing. He said the second we spoke, he could have pinned me as an English major, whatever that means. We talked about my dreams of what I wanted to do with my degree, how instead of teaching writing workshop classes to teenagers going through trauma, that I have been living at home being a smiling face for the office of the state senator. 

By the time we climbed back into the front seat, I felt like Jace and I were souls destined to find each other. Maybe I read too many romance novels, but there was something there that was more than a fling or a hookup. I couldn’t put a word on it and I didn’t know if he was feeling the same way, but I certainly felt connected to Jace on a deep level. I hated that we had to break up our night together, but I knew he had to work the ranch early in the morning and I had no idea what Sasha had planned for tomorrow except for certain she was going to want another early morning run.

“I guess we’re here.” Jace pulled back behind the cabins and we sat in the truck, neither of us wanting to make the first move to leave.

“Thank you for tonight, Jace. I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect when I said yes to meeting you, but I’m really glad that I did.”

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him to share another kiss. I pressed my hands against his stubbled skin to cup his face and I knew that every other date I ever had would always be compared to this one. From start to finish, it was absolutely perfect.

“I know this might be a little presumptuous, but I’d really like to see you again. What do you think about sneaking out like horny teenagers again tomorrow night?”

I giggle in response. “I think I’d like that.”

“Good. I think I can manage to get my brother out of the house for the night, would you rather hang out indoors next time?”

“I think my shivering body would much prefer that.”

“It’s a deal then. Let me have your phone and I’ll put my number in it.”

“I didn’t bring my phone. I didn’t want us to be interrupted by anything.”

He laughed and planted another kiss on me. “I like that. Here, put your number in here then and I’ll text you so you can save it when you get back inside.”

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