Chapter 6

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“What am I doing, Nola?”

I couldn’t stop staring at myself in the bathroom mirror. I washed the cake of makeup off my face and then reapplied just a bit of foundation and some neutral face colors. I didn’t want Jace to think I was always that kind of girl. What kind of girl was I, though? I certainly was not the kind of that snuck off with cowboys in their trucks after making out with them in dingy bars.

Nola came up from behind me and ran her hands through my hair to ease the curls out a bit. I had curled it before the night out, but her fingers made the curls more into waves and my long hair cascaded over my shoulders and over the cream-colored cotton dress that I had changed into. “You’re letting go and having fun. You’re not letting all the bullshit of your daily life bother you for one night. You’re free tonight, Catty Cake, be free.”

I turn around and nod my head at her. She gives me a big hug and then does a once over. “How do I look?”

“You look beautiful. I’m so jealous of you.”

“Don’t be jealous!”

“I totally am. I wanted to hook a hot cowboy, but all I got was a married guy to walk me around on a horse. Although, he did say he used to be pro football when I told him about my obsession with the Cowboys, so maybe he’ll leave his wife for me.”

We both laughed, knowing that she was just kidding. Nola always used jokes to bring me out of a funk. If she couldn’t make me smile, nobody could. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my anxiety. My heart was practically beating out of my chest but came to a stop when I heard the sound of a truck.

“That must be him. Go get your prince charming.”

“He’s not my prince charming. This is just...I don’t know..a fling.”

“Then go meet your fling charming. I’m not waiting up, so you can come home later, tomorrow, fuck stay away all week tucked in his bed and I’ll cover for you.”


“Just kidding, pumpkin. Go now, don’t keep him waiting.”

She pushes me towards the back door and gives me ass a little smack. I grab the blanket that was on the back of the couch and wrap it around my shoulders and then open the door and head towards the truck. Jace hops out and takes my hand as I get closer. “Hey, I was worried you changed your mind.”

“No, my hype girl was getting me all ready.”

He walks around the truck and opens the door for me. I look back at him and he has a huge smile on his face. “Are you going to try and look up my dress when I get into the truck?”

“I’m not going to lie to you, I’m totally going to look at your ass and hope to get a look at your panties.”

It sounded so pervy, but he was so fucking charming that I didn’t care. I picked out cute underwear tonight for a reason. I was completely aware of what was going on tonight. I hiked myself up into my truck, glancing back once I was seated. Jace’s face almost looked like he was in pain, but I’m pretty sure it was pain in his groin and nothing else.

“We’re going to stay on the property, don’t worry. I just wanted you to myself.’

“I can’t wait.”

I sat quietly in the passenger’s seat and Jace drove off. He stayed on the dirt road for the most part, but once we got to what I figured was the end of the property, he pulled off and followed the fence line until we hit an area that was lined with tall evergreen trees. Jace parked the truck behind the trees and killed the lights.

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