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"What the fuck is that smell?" I turn to the front door where the noise is coming from and Granger marches into the house waving his hand in front of his nose.

"What? I'm just trying to make some eggs and sausage."

"Well it smells like shit, did you burn something?"

I look at the trash can, "Um...maybe?"

"Damnit Jace, move over, son." Granger pushes me out of the kitchen and tosses my third batch of eggs into the trash. He grabs the carton and cracks them into a small bowl. "Scrambled?"


He goes to work, whisking the eggs up and grabbing the milk from the fridge, adding just a small dash. "The trick is low heat. These fuckers are going to go from perfect to overcooked in the blink of an eye if you have it on anything but low. Did your mama never teach you to cook eggs?"

"I guess now. Or maybe I forgot."

He smiles at me, knowing why I'm so confused. He reaches over and slaps his hand on my shoulder, "How does it feel to be a dad?"

"Unreal. She's perfect in every way. I should know, I checked multiple times. I'm not sure I'm sleeping for the next eighteen years though."

Granger snorts and checks back in on his eggs. "Yeah, that's probably true. I told you, I haven't relaxed since I moved here and Bev was a baby. Felt like I always had to keep one eye open for my family, just in case. I know you've felt that way with your cousins, but it is going to be so different now."

"Were you ever afraid of messing up?"

"With Ella? Not as much as I thought. I think it helped that I was pretty certain I fucked up a million times with you and your brother. You know, practice runs. I don't know though, Ella's hitting pre-teen years now and I'm starting to get itchy all over again."

Granger went back to his eggs and I started some tea that Hilda suggested for nursing moms. I didn't know how this would help, but Catarina wants to successfully nurse and I'm going to do everything in my life to support that. He plates his eggs and hands them to me with a smile. I quietly head back to the bedroom and find my mom holding Aubree while Cat sleeps.

"Hey, baby."

"Hi, Mom. These are for her. Sorry, it took so long, I can't cook eggs I guess."

"They look great. I'm sure that she's going to be happy to have them."

"Granger made them, so I can't take much credit."

"He's here?"


"Oh, maybe I should take her out to see him."

"Can you give me just a second to get her tea and then I'll come back here with her?"

"Of course, sweetie. I don't mind staying close by."

I went back out to the living room and Granger was pacing a bit. He seemed nervous, which was very strange for him. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah. Um, I wanted to give you something. Sadie has a friend that does these portrait things and it seemed like a good idea for a baby present. She just delivered it yesterday, your mom doesn't even know I did this, so if you hate it that's okay."

"I'm sure it'll be great. Can I see it?"

Granger opened the front door and grabbed the small frame and turned it around to show me. I felt a heaviness in my chest when I looked at the scene. It was done in an abstract way, but there was a male figure with a female figure in his arms, then a smaller baby figure in the woman's arms. Myself, Catarina, and Aubree. In the background of the image was a rural landscape to represent the farm and in the top corner was an abstract cowboy hat. My fingers went right to the hat, knowing what it meant.

"Your dad, he loved you so much, son. He would be so fucking proud of the man you've become and even prouder that you're a dad yourself. He's never far away, I just want you to know that."

"This is...wow Granger....I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say anything, Jace. Just know that you're loved by those of us here and by those who can't be here right now."


Author's Note:

Go ahead and wipe those tears, between babies, sweet Granger, and thoughts of Max, I know we're all feeling it right now. The story of the Port Ranch family isn't done yet! What is in store with our two stubborn friends who refuse to admit there is more to their friendship than meets the eye? Check out Deacon and Stef's story now titled, "Tough Like Us."

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