The Announcement

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Meanwhile, Bexley and Axerd were trying to do their best adjusting to Zavia. They had to wait for a few days until they were officially the guardians of Zavia. Aerondra and Alden would disclose it in front of all the Zavians. They were extremely nervous. They had exams and training and had to read the Zavius and learn about Zavia.

"I can't wait to see the guardians. Aerondra was amazing. She spoke to me as a friend, and visited me frequently when my mom had to travel to Scarcia for work stuff." Evangeline said as they walked to their dorms.

"Me too." Bexley smiled awkwardly.

Bexley put her books on the counter and went into Axerd's room to call him for training.

"We have five days till the whole planet knows about your guardianship," Ullin said. "Before that, Aerondra and Alden thought it would be educational for you guys to visit a planet or two of your choices."

"In that case, we choose Xylona," Bexley said. Axerd rolled his eyes. "Not books again. I wanted to visit Scarcia. Nylo told me about Philendra. It seemed exciting." He said.

"I think you guys should visit Xylona. We have someone arriving from Scarcia in the next few days. So I'll be preoccupied with that." Ullin suggested.

"Who's coming?" Axerd asked.

"That's nothing for you to worry about. So Xylona it is. You can go and talk to Alden about it."

"Honestly, you should start reading. There's so much to know about Zavia before we become the guardians, and we hardly know a thing. We should both go to the library soon and read about this planet." Bexley said after Ullin had walked away. Axerd nodded slowly. "Yeah. Maybe we should. We can go after talking to Alden." He said. Bexley suddenly saw a familiar face. "Axerd! Quick look! Isn't that one of the cheerleaders?"

"I don't get why you miss Earth so much that you're imagining people from there. That day it was Sierra, today someone from our school," Axerd started, but Bexley didn't hear the rest. She simply walked towards the girl. The girl looked at Bexley now, and when she looked, Bexley was sure of who it was. "Well, well, If it isn't the nerd. What a pleasure to meet you. What are you doing here?" She said. Her green eyes glinted in the sun. "Quinn? What are you doing here?"

Quinn Lebon flipped her hair before she spoke. "Oh, I'm just here to meet a friend. Here she is. Her name is Arnate Winter. We are pretty close. Is that Axerd?" She said. She eyed Axerd who was standing not so far from Bexley.

Bexley looked at the girl next to her. She had grey eyes and dark brown hair. Her eyebrows were arched. "I think we're in the same class," Bexley said, suddenly remembering her. "Yeah. I've seen you answer almost all the questions Sarah asks." Arnate muttered.

Bexley wondered how Quinn was nice to her all of a sudden.

Just when Axerd headed towards the three girls he heard Nylo and a few people call him. He walked towards them. Nylo was with Denise, Celestia, and a guy he hadn't seen around. "Hey, we were planning to go to the point view tower, just for fun, before exams begin. We were wondering if you and Bexley wanted to come. This is Lark, by the way." He said.

"Sure. I'll come along, but Bexley is meeting a friend." Axerd said and walked with them.

"Where are you guys going?" Bexley asked. "None of your business, nerd. She's my friend." Quinn replied, rolling her eyes.

"You've been here for hardly five minutes and this friend of yours doesn't seem to speak at all. You'll need a tour around the University." Bexley smirked.

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