The War

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"Okay, so Jazlene will come with us to Xylona to help with the war, right?" Bexley asked, which made Axerd roll his eyes.

"No. You both are not going anywhere. Me, Aerondra and Alden will handle this one. I'm starting to lose trust in both of you." Ullin said. Axerd, Bexley and Ullin were sitting in a huge white room, the same one in which Ullin explained onhe code to them. "You didn't trust us in the first place," Axerd stated. Ullin sighed deeply.

"Stop about this trust thing. I did have trust in both of you. I still do. Well, I trust you enough to do your job well as guardians." He said. Bexley fiddled with her bracelet. "I just...hadn't trusted you enough to tell you about the code. You see, Code 126 is one of the most important things in Zavia. It was the biggest invention of Zavia before we came up with the book. Earth is a neutral planet. You can't trust anyone from Earth. They might be spies from Scarcia or Wenava. Or people from Zavia who chose to stay away from the other planets and war. That's why I was planning to tell it to you when I was ready to trust you enough. Now that I trust you both enough, just don't do something stupid again." he continued, eyeing Axerd.

Axerd looked down guiltily and nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Every guardian is like this in the first. I'm used to it." Ullin shrugged.

"But aren't we the first ones from Earth?" Bexley asked.

"Yes." Ullin said, "Yes you are. Most of the guardians were from Zavia itself, or Xylona. Clexa and Charlotte Skurt were half-Scarcians."

"What about Frieden?" Bexley asked. "It almost seems like no one lives there. No one speaks about it."

"Well, they aren't very involved in war or destruction. They believe that peace and harmony is the solution." Ullin explained. "You must have read about that in the Zavius."

Bexley and Axerd looked at each other and shook their heads. "We hadn't had time..." she started.

"Yes. I know. Next time, educate yourselves before doing something drastic."

After talking to Aerondra and Alden, Bexley and Axerd decided to rest for some time. When Bexley entered her dorm, she saw Evangeline and Zeta talking to Jazlene. The twins and Celestia were sitting on the other bed, listening to them. Nylo was sitting on her chair, writing something on a piece of paper. "I'm really sorry," Jazlene said.

"You should stop saying that, seriously. We forgive you. It's not like you did it without a reason." Zeta said, patting her back, reassuringly. Jazlene shrugged and nodded slowly. She looked up when Bexley sat beside her, smiling softly at her. Jazlene avoided eye contact and looked down again.

Axerd stood next to the door, his back against the wall, pretending to not pay attention to Jazlene.

"So, what do we do now?" Clexa asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"Well, Ullin and the ex-guardians will be leaving for Xylona and-" Bexley started but she was cut off mid-sentence. "I don't think we should be telling more strangers about controversial matters. I mean, we've caused enough trouble." Axerd said, glaring at Jazlene, who couldn't handle it anymore. "Fine. I'll leave if it's so hard for you to hear me out. But, I can fix this, unless you deny it." she said and walked away, without waiting for a reply.

"You really should hear her out, just saying." Blaze commented. Clexa nodded.

"You really should be leaving too." Axerd pointed at the door, impassively. Blaze got up to leave, but Clexa stopped him. "I don't see why. This concerns Xylona and we are from there. Our family lives there. And Wenava is planning to bombard Xylona. Besides, if we hadn't informed you about the war, you wouldn't know about it until when Xylona would be bombarded." she said staunchly.

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