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It was dark and cold. The breeze had the scent of Philendra. Philendra is a type of grass all around Scarcia. The odor of the air where Philendra is present varies from person to person, depending on what they desire the most. It was also one of the only plants grown in Scarcia. For most people here, the breeze smelled like violets. This indicated power and control. On such a gloomy day, which was common here, something unusual happened.

The people of Scarcia had a tradition of determining their ideal potential in weapon making, which was done by the scent they could smell from the Philendra. They would also have to show their skill in weapon making later on. Everyone above the age of eighteen had to take this.

"We've got a fresh set of people. Sit where you can find places. You all know Ronoa isn't very spacious, don't make a fuss." called out a lethargic woman. There were five to six groups of people sitting together. Some looked confident, some had a scowl on their faces and others were least bothered. A tall man with a sullen pout came in with a piece of the metallic paper with names.

"I'll call you in one by one. First, you will smell the Philendra and then you will make the weapons. Different weapons will be given to each one of you. Now do not speak a single word unless you are asked something. Alright, Denice Moon, walk in." The man said.

The room was small and musty. Denice was given a patch of Philendra and was asked to smell it and match what he smelled to some of the odors listed.

It took hardly any time to determine each person's contribution. After a few were done, Jazlene Blake was called. When she sniffed the Philendra, she couldn't match it to any scent listed for her. Some of the people in the lab gave her a few more scents, but none of them was even close to what she smelled.

"Would you care to explain the scent in detail, Blake?" A man in a lab coat asked. "It's a mixture of the Ocean and paper, with a hint of honey."

"These are the most unusual combinations. We have never had anyone smell such a combination of scents. Are you sure you didn't smell Violet? Or burning wood, to indicate determination? What about cinnamon or nutmeg to indicate hate or carelessness?"

"No. None of these."

"That's interesting. We can't determine anything right now. You will have to wait." The tall man paused. "Don't roll your eyes. It's not our fault you're unusual, is it?"

After a while, the lethargic woman came back in and asked Jazlene to follow her. "We thought you might not be suited for a job near mining sites or manufacturing. There are a few special people who grew up to become one of the most famous weapon designers for the contracts with Wenava. We'll conduct a few more tests until we can fully determine what field of metallic jobs you can take." She instructed.

"Yeah sure, whatever." Jazlene dusted the black fringed leather boots she was wearing, straightened her hooded jacket, tightened her high, red ponytail and walked into the room.

The first thing she saw was a tall guy with black hair and an ear-piercing. "Oh, hi Evlon." She said flatly. "Jazlene." he nodded. "Look, I know it's a little unfortunate that I'm the one who's taking tests, but I'll do my best and not be biased."

"I'm sure you will." Jazlene raised an eyebrow. The woman called out to ask if the tests had started. "Yes Miss Larson, we just got started on Blake," Evlon said.

He started to give instructions, which was quite hard with Jazlene raising an eyebrow and rolling her eyes now and then. "We'll ask you a few questions based on weapons and different alloys, you will be judged based on your creativity and how you think. The questions asked have nothing to do with what you have learnt in school or college."

"Ask away. I cannot wait to be done with this." She said.

Evlon ignored her and showed her a sketch of a weapon and asked her to recognize it, give the properties of the alloys used and to give an upgrade sketch for the weapon. Jazlene was blank. After several questions, they felt they needed more time to determine anything else.

"Ok, well, I guess you have to come here tomorrow as well. It's getting late now, so be here on time tomorrow." Evlon said, after a long, uncomfortable silence.

"You know very well that if one person doesn't pass the test even after a second chance, they don't belong here. We have to send her away, Evlon." Miss Larson said, after overhearing what Evlon had just said. "Jazlene, you can go now. Meet us here tomorrow at the same time."

As Jazlene was walking out, she heard Evlon whisper, "But she's just a kid! Where will she go?"

"She's not a kid. She's eighteen. I think she's mature enough to go on her own. If she wants, she can take her mom along with her. That's completely her wish, though. I've seen her doing some technical stuff before, and she's amazing in it. I think she belongs in Zavia. She should leave as soon as possible, or you know what will happen." Miss Larson whispered back.

"Yeah. The Scarcians will hate her. They might even kill her if she opposes them too much." Evlon shuddered. "Exactly. Because she's your sister, and you're like my younger brother, I'm protecting her. It's safe for her to go to Zavia. She leaves tomorrow-" Jazlene stopped listening to them and walked away. She remembered when her brother, Evlon, had left her and her mother. She hated the board, and she didn't want him to be a part of it. He, on the other hand, liked the board of directors and wanted to be a part of it. Since then, Jazlene had stopped talking to him. He left home and never visited. But that was 5 years back. Now she had almost forgotten about it.

She walked through a dark alley, went up the stairs and knocked on the door. A plump and short woman opened the door.

"Hello dear. How was the test? Did it go well?" She said. Jazlene noticed her wincing.

"Not well. I didn't pass the test, mom. They said I have to leave for Zavia tomorrow. Well, they didn't tell that to me directly, I overheard them. And by 'them' I mean Evlon and Miss Larson." She said in one go. Her mother just nodded slowly. "I understand." She paused, looking at Jazlene's confused expression. She sighed. "Ok. I think it's finally time to tell you. We aren't from Scarcia. We're from Zavia. I got you here when you were a baby because of the civil war that happened there." She somehow had a distant look in her eyes. Jazlene smiled. "Oh. That's kind of a good thing, I guess. I hated Scarcians and their ways." She said. Mrs Blake nodded and walked away.

"The space pods are devices to help in fast travel through space. Just sit inside and you'll be in Zavia faster than a blink. I have already informed Ullin that you'll be going there, so he'll be waiting for you. Everyone on the Board isn't as nice as me so I can't speak much." Miss Larson said the next day. "Thank you so much, Miss Larson. I decided to bring my mom with me if that's ok." Jazlene said, cheerful. Miss Larson nodded.

Jazlene looked at Evlon, who was standing silently next to Brenda Larson. She gave him a small smile. He smiled back and mouthed, "Goodbye." Her mother hugged Evlon. They sat in their space pods and waved. They were finally going to Zavia. Jazlene had dreamt of going there from when she was a child.

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