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The spaceship landed, Axerd and Bexley watched from a distance as they travelled using the charms. They saw Ullin and Alden, who was slightly uncomfortable, walk out and greet the astrophysicists. Alden then walked towards the streets where the citizens lived, while Ullin went inside the laboratories. Axerd glanced at Bexley and quickly followed Ullin. Bexley wanted to call out to him, but he was quite far away and she didn't want to receive weird stares on her first day on another planet as guardian of Zavia. She followed Alden.

A man with the protection goggles looked up at Axerd as they entered. "Hello, Ullin! I'm so glad you came. Scarcia has been exceedingly threatening these days." He stopped to look at Axerd, who was behind Ullin. He nodded at him. "Later," Ullin mouthed.

"So, you are one of the guardians. How has it been till now? Are you finding the job difficult?" he asked, tilting his head. His amber eyes looked straight into Axerd's. He looked confident, yet he had a small frown. Axerd shook his head. "We haven't done anything as guardians yet, technically," he said slowly. The man nodded again. "Oh, right. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Julias. I'm the protector of Xylona, just like how Ullin is the protector of Zavia."

"Nice to meet you," Axerd shook his hands. He then walked to the opposite corner to look at the apparatuses placed in the lab. There were tons of gauzes, beakers and many other things he had never seen or heard of on Earth.

"When do you decide on telling them?" Julias asked Ullin when Axerd moved a little further away from them.

"They are too young to handle this. This one is on me." He replied.

"So was Alden. But you informed him and Aerondra about everything. Even the Code 126." Whispered Julias.

"Ssh! You are the only one from all the other planets who knows about it. It is our planet and I am the protector. So leave the decision to me. You aren't immortal like I am, I've seen bad things, trust me." Ullin said sternly and walked through the door to another room.

Axerd, who overheard their conversation, was curious to learn about what was happening between Zavius and Scarcia. He had to find a way to get Julias to tell him, as he knew Ullin would never tell them.

"Hey. These look interesting. I've never seen this apparatus on Earth or Zavia. Is there any way I can learn about these? We are spending the night, aren't we?" He turned to one of the astrophysicists and asked.

"I'd be honoured to do that myself," Julias said, smiling. Ullin nodded and left. Axerd followed Julias.

Bexley ran as fast as she could, she was panting. After what seemed like an eternity, she saw Alden a few feet away. She hid behind a pole, carved like a bookshelf. This caught her attention. She stood there, examining the carvings and almost lost Alden.

Alden walked into one of the houses on the long streets. All the houses were two-storeyed and had reflective glass windows, like SciTech's. She tried hard not to focus on the architecture. She saw Alden talking to an old couple. They had a strange conversation.

"You said she would be here," Alden said.

"She will be arriving any time soon. Please don't leave. She's been waiting for this opportunity for thirteen years." the old man pleaded. Alden scoffed and went inside.

Bexley waited out, knowing that he wouldn't tell her what was going on. She caught a pair of twins, about her age, staring at her and giggling occasionally. She decided to talk to them and try to make friends, as Ullin had suggested.

"Hey," she waved at them.

The girl with long, brown hair rolled her eyes, followed by the guy, who started mocking her.

"Well, if it isn't the perfectionist. Everyone has been talking about your disgusting blonde hair and the other green-eyed jerk." the girl said.

"First of all, my hair is not disgusting, and Axerd isn't a jerk."

"He sure looks like one." the boy snickered.

Bexley ignored the comment. "I, uh, like your hair! It is pretty." she complimented the girl.

"I don't think it is. Who cares about how your hair looks when all this planet cares about is wisdom anyway." The girl said, and the guy nodded.

This surprised Bexley. Many people here seemed to be unhappy about how Xylona cared about wisdom and education. "Anyways, I'm Bexley."

"Yeah, we know. You're the new Guardian of Zavia."

She flinched. She had forgotten how she wasn't just a sixteen year old anymore. "Yeah. What's yours?" she asked.

"Clexa. I'm named after someone popular from Zavia."

Bexley immediately recalled reading about Clexa and Charlotte Skurt, the first Guardians of Zavia.

"I'm Blaze. We live near the headquarters. And no, you might not know us. We are just indifferent kids, whose opinions don't matter."

Bexley was confused. "Would you care to show any locations around here? I'm here for the first time, which you might know too," she raised an eyebrow.

"I guess we could..." Blaze said.

"Speak for yourself. I'm not wasting time with this loser." Clexa said.

Bexley scoffed, "Excuse me if I were a loser...." she stopped mid-sentence and followed Blaze who pointed towards a lake about five hundred meters away.

Clexa groaned and called out "I'm coming too. We don't want this loser to see that stupid lake. Take her to the library, maybe she'll enjoy it there." she rolled her eyes and ran behind them.

Blaze stretched his hands as they reached the lake. "We could have gone to the library! There's nothing to see over here." Clexa said, jogging over to the two of them. "Uhh- I don't mind going to the library, either. I love books." Bexley said, looking over at her.

"Then let's go! It's better to spend time in the library with a dork than spending time in a dorky place with a dork." She said, almost whining. Blaze rolled his eyes. "Not the library again.." He said. Bexley was surprised. She thought everyone in Xylona loved books.

After a lot of argument between Clexa and Blaze, they all finally agreed to go to the museum nearby. The museum was huge. It was white, with huge windows. It had four floors.

"This museum is one of the places we don't absolutely hate here, considering all those libraries, and institutions and schools which don't give us a chance," Blaze frowned and said as they entered it. "This floor is filled with books from the time of Clexa and Charlotte Skurt, which is more than a hundred years ago." He continued. Bexley nodded.

"You don't need to be this nice to a stranger, you know, " Clexa muttered as she noticed Bexley walking to the other side of the museum. Blaze just shrugged. "And you don't need to be this rude to everyone." He said, looking down.

"What is wrong with you? You know we are ignored here and this place has done nothing good to us. She's friendly. She's also the guardian of Zavia and she's as old as us. If we are friends with her she will surely help us." Blaze said. He never talked back to her, but he felt he was doing the right thing.

Bexley saw an old darkroom and decided to see what's inside. I couldn't go if Axerd was here, she thought. She wondered where he was and what he would be doing right now. "Yes, thank you very much," a voice said. The voice was high-pitched and sounded like a woman's. Bexley saw a manly figure as she entered the room. She went closer and realized it was Alden. She quickly hid under a huge piano beside the door and hoped he didn't see her. She saw him shake hands with a woman. "I'll keep you updated as soon as I get the information on Code-"

"Shh, not here." The woman was interrupted by Alden who looked around to see if anyone saw them. He walked out of the room as if nothing happened. After a while, the woman walked out too. Bexley waited a few moments to get out of her hiding place.

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