Truths Unfold

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In a matter of seconds most of them arrived from Xylona. Aerondra assisted Nylo, Axerd, Arnate and Quinn to proceed to the most affected places, while she and Ullin would look for the Board. As they walked through the grey rubble of buildings and statues and hundreds of dead and wounded tragic people, Nylo began to notice that most of the wounded and dead were not from Zavia. He was distracted in his thoughts when he heard someone scurrying through the ruins and wrecks. He gestured to them to hide behind the half crumbled walls. The scurrying grew quite loud. Axerd recognized the boots he was wearing, according Jazlene's description it was Evlon, Her brother. Without giving it a thought Axerd walked out. "Drop the gun." he demanded. Evlon raised an eyebrow, surprised. He walked closer to them, as if he didn't hear Axerd. Axerd reached for his rifle, gripping it tight. "What do you want?"

"Where is she?"

"Whom are you referring to?" Quinn asked, frowning at him. "We don't have time for your little guessing game. Get done with it, loser." she scrunched her nose. The word loser triggered him. He lost the serene look on his face and raised his gun on an impulse, leaving then no time to think, and shot at her. Arnate blocked Quinn as she jumped in front of her, taking the bullet for her. She collapsed in agony, screaming. They immediately ran to her aid as Evlon disappeared into the shadows. There was no way they would be able to save her, she was losing a lot of blood. Quinn sat next to her, against the wall, tears rolling down her cheek. "Why? Why did you do that?" Arnate smiled wryly, her eyes dazed. "Reflex impulse." she whispered, passing out. Quinn began to sob. Nlyo picked up Arnate with Axerd's help. "We have to get her to the nurse. We might have hope." Quinn nodded. Her eyes were blood-red.

Ullin walked along a blue path to a small room. The board was already there with Axerd and the rest. Ullin was surprised to see Alden with Sierra and Sarah. "Why did you do this?" Axerd asked, clenching his fists. "Is that a question? We need the draft. Now give it when we're asking politely or you will all die." One person from the Board said.

"And why would we do that? We don't want you to take credit when we invented it." Ullin said.

"Then you leave us no choice." Another person said and held the gun pointing towards Ullin. Just then the man fell down. "Don't hurt anyone here or you'll regret it." Evangeline said, holding a gun in her hand. Axerd shifted his gaze to the man laying on the ground. Blood was oozing out of his mouth while he stirred which made Axerd want to puke. The man stopped moving and lay still. "Oh you are dead." Someone said and held the gun at Evangeline. "Stop! Violence is not an option. We'll make a deal." Ullin shouted. Everyone turned to him.

"We'll give you a copy of the draft and the original sketch and you never trouble us again." He said coldly. Everyone from the Board nodded. Then they left the room. Only Alden, Sierra, Sarah and the rest remained. "Where's Bexley? Alden did you see her in Scarcia?" Axerd asked. Alden glanced at Sierra and she nodded. "Bexley, unfortunately, is dead. I feel very sorry." He said. Axerd widened his eyes and shook his head. "No, no, she can't be. No! Who killed her?" He whispered. The door opened, revealing Jazlene. Axerd looked at her with rage. Their stare was so alike, it looked like they were going to murder someone. "It doesn't matter who killed Bexley. She's dead and you can't change that. She deserved it for stealing–" Sarah suddenly stopped and gasped. Her stomach started bleeding as Jazlene removed the knife from her body. Sarah dropped to the floor, crying in pain. Jazlene glared at her one last time and stood next to Axerd who was as surprised as the rest of the crowd. "Sarah! No!" Sierra shouted. She kneeled next to Sarah, crying as she saw her dead body.

"What did she do to you all? She just wanted to be the guardian. Is that much to ask for?" Sierra looked up at the others. "Well, yes, that is much to ask for." Ullin stated. Sierra groaned in frustration and left the room. "Sierra! Wait!" Alden called out as he left the room too.

Axerd looked at Ullin, who ran after both of them. "Alden Springs, come back here. Alden!" He shouted. Axerd froze. Alden Springs?

A few minutes later, Ullin came back with Alden. They looked like they were in a rush.

"Come out and start fighting, guys!" Ullin shouted at them. "Thank you for preparing an army, Alden. Now it's much easier for us to win."

"Oh, that's nothing. Just needed a few people from Frieden." Alden replied. The others run outside, readying their weapons. Axerd glanced at Jazlene and she shot him a small smile. He looked away and started shooting at people. Blood was everywhere. The whole of Zavia was filled with smoke and ashes. Gunshots could be heard from a distance. The entire surrounding had a smoky scent. Ullin and Alden entered Axerd's dorm, dragging Axerd along with them. 

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