Code 126

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Axerd looked around the laboratory as he sat down on a chair. It was filled with apparatus and books.
"So, Code 126 huh? What is that?" he asked Julias when everyone left. Julias raised an eyebrow and gave a small smile. "You sure are bright for your age. You've got sharp ears." He said.
Axerd sat, staring at him until realised that he hadn't answered Axerd's question.
"And about the Code, I don't think I am supposed to be sharing this." He said, avoiding eye contact.
"I'm the guardian of Zavia. When Ullin can trust you, and you are from Xylona, I'm pretty sure it's not a huge deal." He replied. This argument continued for a few minutes till Julias realised how arrogant and determined Axerd was.
"Fine, I'll tell you what this is all about if only Ullin doesn't find out."
"My lips are sealed," Axerd replied.

"This started a long time before Aerondra and Alden's time." He sighed and started.
"The war between Scarcia and Zavia had just ended. There was chaos, discomfort, insecurities around the whole planet. The cause for the war was the draft plan of spacelifters. They would be the fastest mode of transportation through space if it was a success. The Scarcians, however, tried to manipulate the Zavians to hand over the draft plan in exchange. But, as you know, Zavia refused and Scarcia no longer cooperated and disagreed to supply them with the minerals and metals required."
Axerd frowned. "Why not give them the draft plan?"
"They were afraid that Scarcia would take the credits in this invention. This caused further disagreements among Zavians. Some agreed on handing the draft plan over, while some didn't. And this caused the Civil war."
"Well, does it really matter who gets the credit?" Axerd asked.
Julias smiled and replied. "It did for a few of them. While others weren't filled with pride. Anyway, they ended up signing a truce between the planets and agreed on a few terms. No one except the Protector of Zavia, Ullin, one of the Board members of Scarcia and myself, knows the contents of it. Now, I understand how this might seem like its not a huge deal, however, there are some directives both the planets must follow in order to prevent war."
"What does it contain?" Axerd asked. Julias tilted his head, "That mustn't be shared without the permission of Ullin as I am not associated with the misunderstanding. I just happened to be a trusted friend of Ullin's."
"Will you tell me more about the invention if not about the code?"
"I'm sorry kid, I promised I would meet Alden's family now. But your answers are on 126." He nodded and left, leaving Axerd confused.

After he left the lab, he turned towards the other path, where Bexley had gone, hoping he would find her. He walked a little further until he saw her. She was laughing and talking to two people around her age, one boy and one girl. The girl looked disinterested but the boy was smiling widely and listening to Bexley. The two looked so similar, with the brown hair and the black eyes, that Axerd wondered if they were twins. He wasn't surprised that Bexley had already made some friends. He wanted to tell Bexley all about the Code 126. He waved to her but she didn't notice. This somehow made Axerd slightly irritated. After everything I do to get the information, she's busy cackling with them. Who cares about the kids here. He thought. He got closer to them and she finally saw him, her eyes widening with amusement.
"Where were you, Ax? Anyway, this is Blaze and this is Clexa. I met them when I was following- nevermind, I'll tell you later." Bexley said. Clexa looked annoyed as she huffed. Blaze rolled his eyes at Clexa.
"Hello. My name is Axerd." He held out his hand but as soon as he realised they weren't going to shake it, he put it down awkwardly. "Yeah, yeah. We know who you are." Clexa muttered. Axerd turned his head slowly to Bexley, who shrugged at him. "Of course you do." He replied.
"Remind me why we're still hanging around suck-ups again?" Clexa sighed. Blaze smacked her on the shoulder. "Look, I know I said something wrong about him, but these guys seem like nice people." He said, shifting his eyes to Axerd. "What, exactly, did you say about me?" Axerd tilted his head.
"He said you looked like a jerk," Clexa said, kicking the small stones under her feet.
Blaze shot Clexa a look before returning his gaze back to Axerd. "You said that he was a green-eyed jerk, too. And you said Bexley's hair was disgusting."
"And I don't regret that," Clexa smirked and walked away, followed by the other three.

"So, what were you doing outside while I was in the lab?" Axerd asked when he finally got rid of them, thanks to Clexa. Axerd and Bexley walked around the streets for a little longer, only until they could see Ullin and Aerondra. They didn't want to get lost the first day they were here. Aerondra was still talking on the phone, while Ullin was talking to Julias and a few other men. "I decided to follow Alden because you left. And also because he seemed suspicious." Bexley replied as they saw two kids, both about three years old, running around their mother who was buying something from a small shop. When the kids saw Axerd and Bexley, they quickly hid behind their mother. Bexley smiled and they continued to walk.
"Suspicious how?" Axerd looked at her.
"When I was following Alden, I got distracted by the architecture and then I lost track of him," And then she told him. About her seeing him talking to an old couple, about the conversation she overheard in the museum. Axerd was surprised with all this information.
"And later, I overheard him talk to this woman."
"Did you catch a glimpse?" Axerd asked hopefully.
"No, I could barely hear them. They were talking about this code, Code-"
"126" Axerd suggested.
"Perhaps. They didn't finish the conversation."
"Oh. So that's when you figured out that it doesn't matter and decided to hang out with your new friends?" he asked carelessly.
"Excuse me?" she scoffed. "Ullin asked us to try and get to know people here!"
"Well, he also asked Julias not to tell us something really important to Zavia and to keep it confidential." He raised his voice.
"Who's Julias?" Bexley frowned.
"I'll tell you on the way to the dinner we're having with the Guardians of Xylona." He shook his head and walked away, leaving Bexley annoyed.

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