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"Finally! I thought you'd never leave those friends of yours." Axerd said.

"What's the rush?" Bexley asked, annoyed.

"Did you read the book last night? What was in there?"

"Why don't you read it yourself, sixteen years old?" Bexley smirked.

"I already said I don't read. What was in it?" Axerd asked impatiently.

"It said that Zavia has two important events in history, the war between Zavia and Scarcia, and the civil war. It says the civil war happened only about thirty years ago, which must be in Aerondra and Alden's time. There are also headquarters to each planet including Earth."

"I'm all ears. Tell me more." Said Axerd.

"Earth's capital is Trello, Zavia-Olswa, Scarcia-Ronoa, Wenava-Atrix, Xylona-Atria, and Frieden-Zyro."

"Wow. You remember. Cool. I better get going now, this is already too much to process. I'll see you in class." He grinned and walked away.

"Bexley, come on! We don't want to be late for gym class, you know how our teacher is." Axerd shouted into the locker room.

"Yeah, coming." She called out.

They were going to leave for the gym when Bexley felt an arm on her shoulder. They turned around to see Ullin.

"What are you doing here? This is our school, you could get caught!" Bexley whispered. Ullin just waved his hand at her. "I won't. Don't worry." He said. "I came here to tell you that you both need to come to Zavia today right after your school. There's more to explain. You can tell your families that you got held back for basketball and cheerleading practice."

Axerd looked from Bexley to Ullin and nodded. "Okay, we'll see about that." And they both waved to him and ran to their class.

Axerd ran to Bexley, who was talking to her friends. He dragged her out. "Can't you leave them for a minute? We have to go to Zavia now! Ullin said he doesn't want us late, remember?" He said. Bexley laughed. They both walked to Bexley's house, discussing about tests and teasing each other. They almost reached when they saw Sierra talking to a tall man. He wore sunglasses even though it was windy. They walked closer and waved to Sierra. The man looked at them, surprised, and ran away. For a split second, Bexley thought Sierra looked angry, but she quickly hid it with a smile. "Hello. It's a surprise seeing you here, Axerd. You haven't come home for a long time. You both are home early." She said.

"Yeah, we have some homework to do. Who was that man who ran seeing us?" Bexley said, distracted. Sierra laughed awkwardly. "Oh, him? He is a friend from school, he always talks about work. He was trying to sign me up for this thing his agency does. It's not that important or interesting. " She said. Bexley just shrugged and ran upstairs. Axerd smiled at Sierra and followed Bexley.

"Do you think it's safe to go now? What if Sierra enters the room suddenly? She won't find us here. She won't even find us on Earth!" Axerd laughed at that thought. Bexley nodded.

"You're right. We need to go somewhere else. Come, let's go to your house. Your grandparents aren't at home, right?"

"Yeah, they aren't. Come on, let's go quickly."

They rushed down the stairs.

"Oh, you guys are leaving already? I was about to bring you snacks." Sierra said, staring at the book in Bexley's hand. Bexley noticed that and quickly hid it behind her back.

"Thanks, Sierra, But we left our books at Axerd's house yesterday. So we thought of completing our work there." She replied. Sierra nodded, looking suspicious.

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