Memorials and Memories

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"It looks remarkably organised." Alden commented. Axerd's face sunk. "Yeah, it is. Bexley helped me tidy it up." He whispered. Ullin examined the screen on the wall, with the sketch. He figured that Axerd had an idea of the attack and managed to figure the math out. He was proud. "Is that why Celestia and Zeta left?" Axerd nodded, he couldn't wrap his head around how Alden had shot Bexley, he clenched the bedspread. "You really are a bright child." Alden said. Axerd could no longer control the anger and resentment he had towards Alden. "Why did you do that?" he asked all of a sudden. "Why did you kill her?" he raged. Alden was speechless. He didn't know where he could begin. "I'm extremely sorry for your loss. But like you were trained, this was a battle. Many of us lost touch with our families, refugees were scared to death. But things turned out alright."

"You didn't lose anything. You were probably plotting this with Sierra for years now. You used Zavia's weakness as your strength. You didn't spare anyone." He roared. Alden remained calm and replied, "That's half of the story. Did you notice that most of the dead and wounded aren't Zavians? They are from Frieden. Frieden being a loyal and peaceful planet, serving justice, helped us. An army was trained in secrecy and was to arrive just in time of the launch. But Scarcia being Scarcia, rescheduled the launch and I could not stop them as it would be a question of trust." Axerd scoffed. Alden glanced at Ullin for help. He cleared his throat, "But, you guys were clever enough to send Celestia and Zeta back here. They not only created a shield with the help of Jacob to prevent some important buildings and roadways from being demolished, but also trained their own army within fifteen hours. Even though the army consisted of only thirty people, they fought till the army from Frieden arrived. Sadly, sixteen of them lost their lives. So, all I have to say is, thanks. Thank you for saving our lives." Ullin nodded. His golden eyes glimmered, making Axerd smile.

Just when they were about to leave, Celestia and Zeta walked to the room with the twins. They smiled at Axerd, he nodded. "We just wanted to give an update. All the wounded are being looked after by the nurses. A memorial will be held for everyone who lost their lives at dawn tomorrow." And Zeta continued, her eyes fixed on Axerd, "And as for Bexley, there is no sign of her. We are extremely heartbroken for the losses incurred. Good day." She nodded and left without waiting for their reply.

Ullin and Alden walked out of the room with the copies in their hands. "You can wait here, get some rest." Ullin insisted.

Axerd decided to take a walk outside. All this was overwhelming, he could not believe that they had been tricked and the attack was extremely tragic, he couldn't believe Bexley had been shot and left helpless. The garden and the Arena were filled with smoke from the attack. Memories came rushing towards him as he walked past the Arena. He brushed them away and continued looking for his friends. And went back to SciTech when we couldn't find them.

He went to Bexley's dorm without thinking. He was sure all his friends would be there. He was right. They were all sitting quietly on the bed. Axerd exhaled and sat on the nearest chair.

"Thank you guys, for everything. I really owe you all." He looked around at all of them and managed a small smile.

"You don't have to thank us, it's our planet too and we wouldn't be Zavians if we didn't protect it." Nylo said. Evangeline looked so devastated. She was staring at Bexley's bed. Axerd got why she was so sad, Bexley would always spend her free time with Evangeline and they were both roommates.

"Where's Jazlene?" Axerd asked and gulped, trying so hard not to cry.

"She would've gone back to her room, with her mother." Blaze replied. Axerd nodded.

"Well, I'll get going, then. Sleep well. I'll leave the door unlocked for you Nylo." Axerd said, getting up.

They all nodded and waved.

When he entered his dorm, the first thing he saw was a photograph of him and Bexley on graduation day back on Earth and the day on which they were officially the guardians of Zavia kept on his table. They were both laughing in the picture. They looked so happy in that, it felt like a long time ago. Axerd took the photograph in his hands and a tear escaped his eyes.

He couldn't handle it anymore. His best friend from ten years was gone in a minute. She was always there for him, whenever he was having a tough time. She always defended him even when he couldn't stand up for himself. But he wasn't there for her. He couldn't protect her and that's why she isn't there anymore. Axerd started blaming himself. He fell to the floor, hugging the frame and cried till his eyes were tired. He drifted off to sleep, still hugging the photo frame. 

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