Jacob's Trio

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Axerd and the others walked around the laboratory, assisting Ullin. "We need to prepare ourselves for the war. Both physically and emotionally. Many people may lose their lives or get injured. Maybe even our loved ones. However, you need to stay positive no matter what happens." Ullin advised. Everyone assembled in the room nodded gravely. "Let's get the weapons." Axerd took the lead.

Suddenly someone burst into the room, everyone turned towards her.

"Arnate?" frowned Axerd, Evangeline and Nylo in chorus. She glanced at them, "I know, shocking. But I have no time to explain. Zeta and Celestia have to leave right away, I'll fill them in."

"What? No. we are not leaving Xylona." Celestia shook her head.

"I don't mind going back. If you tell me why we are needed there." Zeta raised an eyebrow.

"I can't explain! But I know your plan. I overheard it the other day. Jacob and I were working on defenders, Jacob needs your help, I don't ace my tests like you guys." she didn't let them comment on that and jerked them out of the room, grinned at Ullin and took Zeta's position. "Oh, Quinn will be filling in for Celestia." she gestured Quinn to fill her place.

Celestia entered the laboratory, Jacob and Zeta had begun improving weapons to make them explosion-proof. "We need the perfect proportion of Iron and Cobalt, to reduce the temperature and prevent the smoke from achieving its ignition temperature." Jacob explained. They tried every alloy they could think of and did their best for the next thirteen hours. Eventually, they believed to have found the solution.

"We aren't as good as Wenava or Scarcia when it comes to weapons, but this will do." Jacob exhaled. The girls nodded. Celestia spun a sword in her hand and smirked. "This is going to be fun." She said.

"Fun? You could die in this war," Zeta shook her head as walked out of the laboratory. "If our job is done here, we'll return back to Xylona." She said, waving without looking at Jacob. "No, wait! I need another help. This sure will be fun, trust me." He said. Celestia turned to him, her smirk still on her face. "What is it?"

"We have some free time, and from what Zavia heard from the hacked signals in Wenava, they won't launch the attack until tomorrow. If we work in secrecy and coordinate well, we can train a little army of ours, if we get any further information about the battle, this army would serve as a back up." his eyes looked more eager than ever, Zeta could tell this would mean a lot to him, however, they had to get back to their friends. They hadn't heard from Bexley yet.

"Well, as much as we would be thrilled to execute that, we have to think twice, Jacob. I mean, maintaining a whole army? It sounds quite hard of a task for a trio of seventeen and twenty year olds to carry out."

"But, if we are successful, we will be well known all over the planet for saving the planets." Celestia shrugged. Jacob pointed towards her, agreeing.

"So, is anyone willing to fight?" Zeta asked.

"I know a few people around here. I grew up with most of them, we haven't spoken since high school, though."

"So much for a reunion," Celestia commented.

"Guys, it's been a while Bexley has gone. Do you think we should head to Scarcia?" Evageline asked. They were setting a tent on the highest hill of east Xylona so they could keep a lookout. Axerd walked to the edge of the hill and took a deep breath. He missed Earth. He missed the scent of fresh air. But unfortunately, he couldn't go back. Even if he wanted to. "No, I think she'll be fine. She learnt to fight for half a year." He said.

Ullin walked in, along with Julias and two other women. They had a deceased look on their faces. Axerd suddenly had a rush of feelings. He was extremely terrified as he had to lead the army all alone. Bexley had always been by his side ever since they were seven. And ten years later, she was not there when he needed her desperately. He was worried and tensed every second he wondered about where Bexley might be. Jazlene was not trustworthy. But, deep down he felt proud of himself. He was confident enough to lead an entire army, he proved himself to be loyal and finally gained Ullin's trust, with the unconditional support from his friends, obviously. He could never thank them enough.

"Alright, before the infantries head downhill, each one of you must set aside your feelings, become emotionless for a while. Have no mercy, feel no pain." he said, grimly. Everyone nodded. He raised his gun, "Here's to every brave and loyal soul helping us out in every way." And he fired to the sky. Some of them raised their swords, there were prayers being said, goodbyes being kissed; the air was more depressing than ever before. The hilltop cleared gradually as everyone took their positions. Together, they marched down the hill like they prepared for this moment forever. As soon as they reached the bottom of the hill, alarms went on. The sound was so deafening everyone had to shut their ears. "What is that noise?" Axerd shouted to Ullin. Everyone had to shout and speak because of the noise. "I don't know! This has never happened before." Ullin said.

Then they heard gun shots so all of them held their guns up, ready to shoot. "Look there!" Someone from the crowd shouted. Axerd turned to where she was pointing, the conference screen interpreting signals from Zavia, used for communication was lit. On the screen, he could see many people lying on the floor. He recognized this place. Then a man appeared on the screen.

"It's a pity you couldn't save your own planet, Ullin DeWalters. It's too late now." He said. Axerd recognized the man too, he was sitting with the Board when he had gone to Scarcia.

"Is that– are they in-?"

"Zavia." Ullin said gravely. He was staring at the screen with no expression.

"Holy-." Nylo whispered.

"Get in, be quick!" Aeronda shouted from the camp. Axerd had never seen Aerondra so worried before. That made him wonder where Alden was. He was starting to get worried too. He grabbed the book and with a flash of light he disappeared. Some used the last of the spacelifers lest, some hopped onto the spaceships. Even in the chaos, there was this mesmerizing etiquette. The others, belonging in Xylona, stayed there. They were desperate to help them, but Ullin had refused. "It's best if a few get hurt than many." He had said. I'm not letting them down, Axerd whispered to himself, when he landed in Olswa with Evangeline. "You won't." she put her hand on his shoulder, reassuring him. "Now go, Zavia is in trouble. I'll look for Bexley."

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