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Voldemort's P. O. V:

How is this possible? Being a Muggle she performs such a powerful nonverbal spell that can defeat nagini !?
So is Wormtail right? Is Dumbledore here?

"snsasgsisnsi!! "

Voldemort closed his eyes. After a while, Nagini staggered to Voldemort's feet and sat down.

"How are you feeling now? "

sBsusts smsys slsosrsds shsosws sdsisds sas sMsusgsgslses sdsos stshsasts?"

"Hmmm. I think so.
Well, have you noticed anyone else's presence? Like Dumbledore?"

"SNsos SMsys slsosrsds".

"Hmm, interesting. Is she sleeping now?"

The snake nodded in agreement.
With that, Voldemort disappeared from the manor.

Leah's P. O. V:

Suddenly a sound cut through my drowsiness. I woke up and did not understand anything. Where am I? Why is it so dark all around? Then I remembered all the events of the night. I have to escape, but how! By the grace of God, now I can move. But my limbs are sore.

Suddenly I saw a pile move in the darkness. Wormtail!He walked slowly and came to me. I don't think his pain has subsided yet.

"Now now, beautiful, get up quickly, we have to go."

Have to go, means? Will he release me?

"Um... ‌ Well, but how do you know my house?"

"Hmph, I have never seen such a stupid girl. Who said I would take you home? And I know you don't have a home. The Lord's command is to take you to his abode."

My eyes became blurred. Thinking of his misery, I endured the torture of that madman, and did he betray me?

My whole body burned with anger and hatred.

"Hey, don't touch me. I thought there might be something humanity left inside you. But you proved me wrong. Stay away."

I yelled and saw that he had stopped. Without wasting time, I pushed him and ran downstairs. But he grabbed me from behind with one hand and pulled a stick in the wrist of his other hand. There is a strange tattoo on his wrist, a snake coming out of a skull's mouth. Seeing no way out, I hit his weakest spot where the sun doesn't shine. Immediately, he fell to the floor and screamed. Without knowing anything I started running wherever my eyes go.

Suddenly I stumbled and fell. I looked around and saw that I was in the middle of a graveyard. The sky is now clearing little by little means it will be morning. The rain is stopped. But the danger is still with me, that strange lunatic standing quite a distance away looking at me and grinning. After running for so long and being tortured, I no longer have the strength to stand up.

"Please don't kill me. You will not have been benefitted from killing me."
I looked at him and shouted."

"Who said I'm coming to kill you?  You are mine, I came to know a lot about you dear.  There is nothing in this world that you cannot do."
With a horrible smile, he flew in front of me.

I squirmed, looking at his horrible face. 

"Get away. You don't know anything, I can't do anything.  Let me go."

Hearing me, he laughed and sat crouched over, right in front of my face.

"Oops,  is my sweetheart scared?  You are not alone, you will get more strength if you stay with me.  I have to make love to you, then my strength will increase 4 times.  And you will be safe as my companion.  The outside world is very bad, you know?"

"What!  Shut up!  I have never seen such a lowly terrible man like you.  I will die but I will not sell my honor. And I do not believe in this magic power."  Leah Screamed.

His red eyes lit up even more.  He hugged me tightly and brought his face close to my neck.  There was a strange feeling in my body.  I think I should hug him more.  But the touch of his lips brings me back to my sense. 

"Leave me alone !"  I started to fight a lot in his arms, but he is calmly caressing the joint of the neck and shoulder. I went to push him with all my strength, then I felt a sharp pain on the lower side of the neck collar, and immediately he fell far away.

I looked for something sharp object.  I don't have the strength to stand.  I know, I'm going to die today.  Yet with one last blow, I will die.  Suddenly I saw a piece of bright blue glass at my feet.  I was about to catch it when Voldemort shouted, but I saw that by some strange magic he could not come to me.  Somehow I grabbed the piece and immediately felt like I was whirling around. It felt like I was flying in the air. Suddenly it became dark in front of my eyes.

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