Familial Riddles 2

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Zeka gracefully entered the dining hall, presenting a lavish breakfast that filled the air with the irresistible scent of bacon and eggs. While Malfoys may bear the reputation of arrogance, they undeniably harbor a genuine passion for food. After serving Romeo and me, Zeka discreetly withdrew. Lucius, sporting a warm smile, remarked, "Hope you enjoy our culinary delights, Miss Scamander." Returning the gesture, I replied, "Your cooking, Mr. Malfoy, is truly exceptional! And I am well aware of it."

Lucius, raising an eyebrow, encouraged, "Don't hesitate, young woman, Eat or else the food will become cold. Consider this your home." With a smile, I began slicing through the bacon. Romeo playfully chimed in, "It's her home too uncle! After all, you're my responsibility kitty!" He grinned at me, but the mirthful moment was interrupted as a piece of meat lodged in my throat, prompting a sudden fit of coughing due to awkwardness.

Romeo swiftly offered a glass of water, saying, "Oh hey, love, here's the water." I gratefully drank, regaining composure. Draco, with an air of impatience, interjected, "If you've concluded your early morning dramas, shall we proceed to breakfast?" His tone, laced with tension, hinted at an unfamiliar edge. I wondered, perplexed - was this the Draco I once knew, or had the shiny exterior concealed sharper edges? His eyes, however, remained the constant enigma, telling tales of depth and sadness that I struggled to comprehend, gazing shamelessly in an attempt to decipher the cryptic narratives hidden within those crystal orbs.

Sitting on the concrete edge of Malfoy's garden fountain, my mood weighed heavy with the morning's events. Why did his words always cut so deeply? I pondered, chastising myself for my childish behavior in front of him, despite knowing his roles as both my student's father and my healer. Yet, a warmth enveloped me whenever he was near. I hadn't directly confessed my feelings to him, leaving him with no obligation towards me. If he disliked me, he could simply ignore me. His harshness felt unnecessary.

Plucking a white rose absentmindedly from the nearby bush, I rolled it between my fingers, lost in thought. "Professor Scamander! You're here?" a voice exclaimed behind me. I turned to see Scorpius, realizing I had forgotten about him in my self-absorption. After all, it was his home, and I had caused unnecessary drama earlier. Guilt and shame washed over me as I smiled in greeting.

"Good morning, Scorpius," I greeted, attempting to mask my inner turmoil. "How are your holidays going?"

His smile matched mine as he replied, "Good, professor. Dad bought me books, and I'm really invested in them."

"You love reading?" I inquired. He nodded enthusiastically. "What kind of books did your dad gift you?"

"Books about the history of the wizarding world and Fantastic Beasts, all parts," he answered proudly. My smile widened as I extended an invitation, "You love learning about creatures? Then you're invited to my house anytime, Scorpius. I believe my grandpa would love to have a chat with you, and you can also see all the creatures you've been reading about there."

His eyes lit up, and a grin spread across his face. "Really?"

"Absolutely," I affirmed. He hugged me tightly, his delicate innocence melting my heart. Children were indeed pure and kind. I ruffled his hair affectionately.

But then, he suddenly pulled away, his head lowered. "What happened, dear?" I asked, concerned.

"S-sorry, professor. I didn't mean to..." he trailed off, visibly flustered.

"Mean to what, Scorpius?" I prompted gently.

"I didn't mean to act so childishly, professor. I... I'm sorry... ever since Mum's death, only Dad talks to me about my hobbies, so I just... I just hugged you suddenly, like I used to with Mum. I promise it won't happen again," he stammered.

"Oh, dear," I murmured, cupping his face with maternal tenderness. "Don't even think like that, Scorpius! Outside of school, I'm not your professor but your friend. Understand? You can share every little thing with me. I would love to be your friend, Scorpius. You're not alone, okay?"

He nodded, and I smoothed his hair, coaxing a smile from him. "That's my good boy. Now, smile, please." He complied, hugging me once more before leaving the garden, leaving behind a lingering sense of warmth and understanding.

I gaze in the direction where Scorpius ran off with a warm smile, marveling at his maturity beyond his years. He shouldn't bear the weight of life at such a young age. I vow to give him as much time and support as he needs.

"You shouldn't do that!" a deep voice interrupts my thoughts from behind. I turn to find Draco, looking striking in his white coat and black pants, akin to Adonis himself. Momentarily speechless, I gather my thoughts and retort, "And what have I done wrong now, Mr. Malfoy?"

"You know exactly what you're doing, Heaven," his voice grows ominous as he steps closer, locking eyes with me. I grit my teeth, weary of his mind games. Meeting his gaze, I stand my ground, folding my arms across my chest. "No, I don't know. Please, enlighten me, Mr. Draco Lucius Malfoy," I challenge.

His cheeks flush red, and he clenches his jaw, gripping my hand tightly. The pain shoots through me as the thorn from the rose I plucked earlier pierces my palm, drawing blood. "Ah, Draco, let go of my hand. It hurts, please," I plead, but he only tightens his grip, his breath grazing my cheek. Tears well in my eyes as he speaks through gritted teeth, "Do you see how it feels? Like the delicate flower's thorn slowly piercing your skin, causing pain that you must endure alone, watching the blood trickle out of your wounds?"

"What... what are you saying?" I manage to utter weakly. "Don't ruin my child's life, don't fill him with false hope. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to him. Punish me if you must, but don't toy with his innocent heart."
Pain fills his eyes, and I stopped struggling and looked at his face. With my free hand, I gently cup his face, brushing my thumb beneath his eye. "Draco, I... I couldn't do something so cruel to him! Everything I said, I meant it sincerely. Scorpius is like a son to me. How could you even think that? And what do you mean by punishing you? You've been avoiding me for reasons only Merlin knows! Do you know how many times I've tried to find you, to talk to you, and you've just ignored me every time!" I scold him, frustration bubbling up inside me.

He remains silent, his gaze locked with mine, a myriad of suppressed emotions flickering in his eyes for what feels like an eternity.

Heaven's Riddle: Unveiling Secrets of Love and Magic || T.M.R x OC x D.MWhere stories live. Discover now