Tangled Secrets

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I find myself seated on the edge of Draco's bed, while he diligently attends to his paperwork at the study table. The delectable dinner brought by Zeka has left our palates satiated, a taste that lingers on my lips even now. Draco said after demise of Narcissa Malfoy, Zeka took him under her wings. With gratitude, I suggest that I can make do with the couch, but Draco, ever the gentleman, insists that it would be disrespectful for a lady to compromise in his own house. It's moments like these when I catch glimpses of his youthful allure, a reminder that he was undoubtedly a charmer in his teenage days.

As I gaze around the bedroom, a soft glow illuminates the room courtesy of flickering candlelight. Draco's preference for candles over No maj's light fixtures like tubes and bulbs lends an air of enchantment to the space. The balcony door stands ajar, inviting the crisp night breeze to permeate the room. Delicate white chiffon curtains sway gently, as if dancing to a symphony created by the subtle chimes of a glass chandelier, their melodic whispers filling the air. A king-size bed dominates the room, its regal presence commanding attention.

Adjacent to the bed rests a moving photograph of a strikingly beautiful young woman. Her luscious dark locks cascade around her features, which exude an undeniable elegance. Yet, her pallor bears witness to the toll of a prolonged illness, etched upon her face in subtle traces of suffering. Her beauty fails to conceal the underlying distress that haunts her visage.

 Her beauty fails to conceal the underlying distress that haunts her visage

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It must be Mrs. Malfoy, I assume. My heart aches for her, as I envision the dreams she might have harbored of a blissful life with a gentleman like Draco and a brilliant son like Scorpius. Alas, fate dealt a cruel hand, denying that poor boy the warmth and love of his mother. A pang of sorrow fills me, a weight pressing upon my chest.

Suddenly, it dawns upon me that this very bedroom, this very bed, once served as their shared sanctuary. An unwelcome unease settles within me, a discomfort I struggle to comprehend. Is it not customary for husband and wife to share the same bed? Then why does my heart twist with an inexplicable ache, casting a shadow upon my thoughts?

I wrestled with my thoughts, desperately trying to rationalize the strange sensations that gripped me. Perhaps it was my anxiety, playing tricks on my senses, I reasoned. After all, it would be absurd to feel this way while occupying the room of my esteemed doctor and student's guardian. Yet, my unease persisted. It was then that my eyes fell upon an imposing portrait adorning the wall opposite the bed. An aged canvas revealed a middle-aged man with flowing blonde locks, a striking woman exuding elegance with her stylish salt and pepper hair, and a young boy of fair hair and a melancholic countenance. Clad in resplendent black embroidered attire, everyone but the boy wore a smug expression of pride. Their faces eluded me in the dimly lit room, as a gust of wind caused the candlelight to flicker. However, as the air settled, the features became discernible. The elder man bore an uncanny resemblance to Lucius Malfoy. Could this be a family portrait? The woman radiated strength and beauty, and the boy...he must be a younger Draco, burdened by a sorrowful demeanor.

But as my gaze fixed upon his youthful face, something inexplicable happened. "Dra...Draco!" I cried out in a state of panic, causing him to hastily abandon his chair and rush to my side. "Leah! Leah, what's the matter?" he urgently inquired. Yet, his voice reached my ears in a distant whisper, as if carried by a gust of wind. Ringing voices filled my senses, distorting into a distorted male voice uttering fragmented phrases, "Heaven...Why are you here at this time?...Are you hungry?"

Agony gripped my head, and I clutched it, "No!No, please stop it. Please I beg you!" I pleaded . Amidst the turmoil, I felt a gentle touch upon my head, and a faint but clear voice reached me, calling out, "Leah, Professor, Professor Scamander. Look at me, Celia! For Merlin's sake! Everything is fine, dear. Look at me, I'm here with you. You can do this, you are not alone anymore."

Draco! Yes, it was his voice, offering solace and reassurance. "Malfoy! Dra..." I mumbled, my head spinning with increasing intensity until consciousness slipped away, enveloping me in its dark embrace.

The soft glow of daylight gradually filled the room, and I gingerly opened my eyes. Confusion washed over me as I surveyed my surroundings. This wasn't my own room. It took a moment to register that I was in Dr. Malfoy's bedroom, and the events of the previous night flooded back into my consciousness. Why did I always faint when confronted with such situations? A mixture of anticipation and emptiness pulsed through my heart.

"Professor Scamander, how are you feeling now?" a gentle, feminine voice inquired. I turned my gaze toward the source and found Headmistress McGonagall seated on a chair beside the bed. Her touch traced soothing patterns through my locks as I tried to sit up. "I'm fine, Headmistress," I replied, my voice filled with a sense of uncertainty. My attention shifted momentarily to Draco, who seemed occupied with something, deliberately avoiding my presence.

"Professor McGonagall, here's the potions for fever and her nervous system and the protein supplements she requires," a voice said, and I glanced behind the Headmistress to see Draco handing her a prescription. She nodded in acknowledgment and left the room. Draco, too, began to depart, but before he could make his escape, I called out, "Draco, stop." He paused but didn't turn to face me. "I know you're keeping something from me," I asserted.

"No, Miss Scamander, it's your illness that's causing these delusions," he retorted, his tone laced with a hint of dismissal. Ah, so now we were back to professional terms. "No, Doctor, stop with this delusion nonsense. I know you, don't I?" I pressed, a mix of frustration and longing coloring my voice.

He smiled, his expression carefully neutral, and replied, "Of course, Professor, we know each other." I shook my head, determined to make him understand. "No, not like that, Draco. Not as a doctor and professor. We know each other from our younger days, don't we?" I clarified, searching his face for any sign of recognition.

For a brief moment, his features flickered, a glimpse of something hidden beneath the surface. But he quickly composed himself. "I'm afraid not. You're from America, and I'm from Scotland, Professor. Let's rest for now. I'll check on you later," he stated, his voice attempting to sound casual.

"No, Draco, you're trying to evade my questions. Please, tell me the truth," I pleaded, my voice tinged with desperation. "I see a blurred figure, resembling the teenage photo of you. You're saying incoherent things to me."

"I don't know what you're trying to say, Celia, but..." he began, his voice trailing off. I couldn't bear any more excuses. "No 'buts,' Draco!" I exclaimed, my frustration boiling over. He gazed at me with a pained expression, and with a hint of sorrow in his voice, he grumbled, "It is Professor Scamander! You said you weren't able to clearly describe your visions yesterday, and now you claim to know me? You're simply delusional."

Just then, Headmistress McGonagall returned, her presence indicating that she had heard our heated exchange. "Darling, you need to rest," she interjected, her voice filled with concern.

"Headmistress, I will, but I simply wish to leave and rest in my own room," I expressed, my voice resolute. Her shocked expression mirrored my own inner turmoil. Draco left the room, informing the Headmistress, "Professor McGonagall, I'll call Hagrid to take you to Hogwarts," and then departed without bidding me farewell. The absence of his goodbye hurt deeply, but I would not seek solace until I confirmed the truth of my own memories.


Dear potterheads, gather 'round for a magical moment!
As you delve deeper into this chapter, I have a curious question for you: If you were to cast a spell on a character in this story, what would it be and why?

I simply can't wait to hear your whimsical and witty responses in the comment section. So wave your imaginary wands and let your imaginations run wild!

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Stay healthy and stay safe :)

Heaven's Riddle: Unveiling Secrets of Love and Magic || T.M.R x OC x D.MWhere stories live. Discover now