Faint Memories

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Darkness surrounded Celia, She feels pressure on her chest like something heavy sat on it. She felt as if she is drowning in a deep dark cold ocean. The surface and the source of light faded away. She attempted to swim upwards but suddenly a pale hand rose from the depths and clutched her feet, pulling her down towards the abyss. She looked down and see two bright red eyes shining from the deep water.
"Come to me, sweetheart. Mine, you are only mine. Remember what is mine is always mine."  A non-human-like voice whispered from the dark water.

Celia attempted to swim upwards once more. At that moment a warm hand from the surface caught her cold ones gently. Its warmth spreads throughout her entire body. Then everything becomes dark again.

Muffled voices reached her ears. Though she could not make out what they are saying.
"Is she alright Malfoy?" She heard a woman ask.

"Yes, she is out of danger now. But why did she react like this? Any idea what exactly happened, Madam Pomfrey? Headmistress?" A deep drawling voice asked.
"S-sorry Dad! I don't know that she will be lost consciousness after hearing his name. If I knew this, I will not tell her about me. So-rry dad." A boy hiccuped and said.

The man asked, "who Scorp?"
"Voldemort," the boy answered. And abruptly Celia opens her eyes. Now She can remember how she was grading those papers and the bullying happened and then she tried to soothe the kids. But she passed out.

"Where am I?" She mumbled. "What happened to me?" Saying this she tried to sit by supporting herself on her elbows.
"You are fine, Miss Scamander. "The manly voice spoke to her. When Celia looked at him she saw the man from the station. Malfoy's father! Why does he here? Isn't she in school? Then she looked around her and found out that she is laying down in the hospital wing. Headmistress, madam Pomfrey, Scorpius, and Albus gathered around her bed. And Mr. Malfoy sat beside her bed and hold her wrist in his palm.

"Why are you here?" She asked him."What am I doing in the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey? Headmistress? Why are you gathered around me? Please answer me!" She demanded in a shivering voice while looking at everyone.
"Miss Scamander relax." Mr. Malfoy said to her. She looked at him dumbfounded. "Relax! I will answer your every question but you have to calm down your pulse first." She nodded.

Then he started to say "So by the onlookers, I came to know that you are helping those kids. But some sudden events," he halted, looked at her, and continued "precisely some name made you anxious and you fainted due to hypertension. Also, you got 3 seizures during this unconsciousness."
She gulped after hearing this. "Don't worry Miss Scamander I prescribed some potions. It will help you to relax and don't stress yourself too much." Saying this he took off her hand and began to leave. And she felt a sudden coldness on her hands.
But Celia asked "Wait! Who are you?"

The man stopped in his track and turned around. He looked at her with amused eyes and repeat "Who am I? Miss Scamander?" But Minerva McGonagall interjects, "Celia he is a well-known alchemist and part-time healer and my student.  I called him to check you up."
"Ok." She mumbled. "But what's your name?" She asked while looking at his icy grey eyes. Those eyes hold so many emotions that she thought she will be drawn to them if she looked at him any longer.

"Draco Malfoy, Miss Celia Scamander. And thank you for taking care of my child professor." Then everyone left the wing.
Draco Malfoy? Draco! Draco! Aaaah Merlin! I can't remember but those names sound so familiar to me. She cried. I feel so helpless like I forget a big part of my life. Some important parts.

Then suddenly she felt someone stroking her hair, "Dear stop pressurizing yourself. Now take this potion it will help you to have a sound sleep." Madam Pomfrey handed her a small green pill and a goblet of lukewarm water. She swallows the pill and a nostalgic feeling hit her. The pill tastes like green apples. She feels some unspeakable emotions. Then again sleep came into her eyes. "Draco Malfoy!" Saying this she fell asleep.


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