Bleeding Love

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Dumbledore stares at the picture in front of him. His face is calm but the crescent-shaped folds on his forehead are clear. Suddenly the door opened. Without looking at the intruder Dumbledore said - "Severus! I believe you know why I called you ?"

There stood a man with greasy shoulder-length black hair, a hooked nose, and sallow skin.

"Of-Course. Dumbledore." the man told Dumbledore softly.

" I hope Tom will call you soon to find out about Celia. You use your skills to handle the matter." Dumbledore said, glancing at Snape.

"Why should I do that? If I face any danger or if I am forced to tell the truth, Dumbledore? Then? " Snape raised his eyebrows and looked at Dumbledore.

"Well, then I am terrified for the future. To perform mating both parties require a healthy normal body either muggle or wizard, Severus. And Voldemort will definitely try to fulfill the blessing of Isolt to gain power. I think you are well aware that Tom doesn't have a normal human body, so to get back to his normal form Harry has to... Leave this. Truly, nowadays the power of love is become weak, in front of greed."
Dumbledore said looking at Snape.

Snape's deep black eyes sparkled for a moment.
"He. do. not. know. anything." He said in a soft trembling voice. Dumbledore inquisitively looked at Snape.

"The Dark Lord will not know about Celia Pendragon. But for a random little girl, you can't disobey 'HER' sacrifice and what you promised me, sir." Without saying anything, Snape hurried out of the room. His cloak pushed the unicorn blood tube and the blood splattered on the front of the desk.

Dumbledore looked at the door and murmured," She is not any random little girl Severus! It's not like dark magic of the Death eaters which we can win without any precautions!."

The smirking picture of Gormalith on the table behind him is soaked in blood.

::::Malfoy Manor::::

Draco's bandaged body is lying motionless on the king-size bed. His sea-blue eyes are fixed on the expensive chandelier above.

Narcissa came and stood beside him silently. She can't stand his son's condition at all. But somehow, she managed herself and said - " Baby! Get up, I prepared this Diricawl soup for you. Then we have to take medicine."

Draco looked slowly at his mother. The pain behind Narcissa's smiling face is clear to him. But without saying anything, he somehow got up on his elbows and sat down on the bed.
Narcissa sat in the corner of the bed and began to feed him.
Draco suddenly said, "Mother! Why do we always have to sacrifice everything?"

Mrs. Malfoy looked at him in shock. "So-sorry! What do mean, Honey? What have you sacrificed? Do you need anything? I will tell your father, he will bring it for you."

Draco stared at the family photo hanging on the front wall

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Draco stared at the family photo hanging on the front wall. Hearing this from his mother, he said with a crooked smile, "Mother! Not everything can be bought with galleons. There are so many things in the world that these Malfoys will never be able to buy. Do you know what? Look at the picture. You can find out. Can you? "
Narcissa shook her head slowly.

"Happiness! Love! Which no one can buy though having millions of galleons. Those poor Weasleys have this, that orphan Potter and even that Mud-Granger also have this."

This time Lucius entered the room and asked. "My son isn't happy? What do those lowly people have? Tell me, Draco. Your father will bring everything to you."
Narcissa become pale and shook her head at Draco not to speak anything about Heaven with Lucius.

Draco looked at her, then moved towards Lucius. His face became serious and he said -
"Hmm! After tearing someone's heart out of his body, if you ask them is it hurts? does it reduce the pain, Father?"
Lucius was shocked listening to his words.

"You sell yourself for those fake reputations that your child and wife's happiness become useless in front of you. "

"DRACO!" Narcissa growled in panic. "Have you forgotten your manners? Is it necessary to talk to your father like this? Apologize now."

Lucius looked at Draco with a fixed gaze and said "Leave it, Narcissa! He doesn't have to apologize. You are lucky that these words of the boy did not reach the Dark Lord. Be happy that you got the boy, NOT A DEAD BODY! This teenage romance will eventually end in the meantime. After all, he is not going to meet her again! You tell him, if he wants to stay in this house, he should never speak her name again!"

Lucius huffed and left the room.

Narcissa put her hand on Draco's shoulder and said, "Honey, Dad doesn't want to hurt you. But it is impossible to get what you want. "

Draco stared at his mother with glossy eyes. He swallowed as his throat hurts badly and said "I never want her. Also, I never got what I wanted. This is not the first-time mother! I just want Heaven's safety."

Narcissa whispered in a trembling voice, "I hope the girl is safe. I believe Dumbledore! "

This time Draco had a smile on his face. " Now go to sleep. I promise you that everything will be fine. Good night, Honey."

" Good night, Mom."

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