Welcome to Hogwarts!

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Leah's P. O. V:-

My head is banging in pain and my throat feels dry. Water! If I could get some water ...As soon as I opened my eyes, I was stunned by the intense light. After a while, I got used to it and saw that it was morning.
But where am I? It looks like an old hospital room. How did I get here?
I don't remember anything. The throbbing pain in my head increased even more. Suddenly I remembered that I escaped from my aunt's house and after that fell into the clutches of that horrible madman.
Slowly I remembered all the events of last night. But I don't remember anything after taking the piece of glass to kill him.

"You're up, dear?" an older woman asked me.

"Water! " I barely asked her.

" Oh! Wait, I'm giving!" that's all she said and went out of my sight.

After some time later she came back and handed me a goblet full of water. When the water touches my throat, it feels like I got a new life.

"Dear take this medicine, your headache will be cured."

How does she know I am sick? Then I looked at her and saw that she is a nurse. " Oh! Thanks." saying that I took the medicine, it's a little bitter but not inedible.
As soon as the lady was about to leave, I asked her.

"Excuse me, miss! Sorry for disturbing you but can you tell me where am I? "

Before the nurse could answer, a strangely dressed woman entered the room in a rush.

"Poppy! Poppy! Is the girl awake?"

When she entered the room, she saw me and stopped. This time I got a chance to look at her, better. She is a tall, black-haired woman in emerald-green robes. She had a very stern face who was wearing square glasses and her black hair was drawn into a tight bun. She looked distinctly ruffled.

"Oh, dear! Are you up? Come with me, Professor Dumbledore wants to talk to you." She said hurriedly.

Professor? Why? Who? Why are they calling me? I did not comprehend any of her words. I looked at her like a clown.

"Minerva! Calm down. She will not go anywhere now. The girl only regained consciousness. No, I won't let her get out of bed. She will corporate with you only when she becomes healthy. " Poppy means that nurse, said the strange woman, quite harshly.

Listening to her, I became speechless. Up to this day, no one has spoken on my behalf. An unknown feeling hit my heart. my eyes become blurred.

"But Poppy! after what happened to the Potter and Diggory boys, there is no time to waste. You know it very well." Minerva said.

The way she spoke, it seemed like something very serious. Potter!!! I think I heard it somewhere but I don't remember where? But how can I relate to any event? I don't even know them. Also, I was not allowed to go out of my aunt's house. I think they are facing some problems because of me! No, I will not let anyone get in trouble for me. I will meet Professor Bambelbee or something like that. Moreover, I am feeling much better than before.

"Well, I'm going now, I'll tell the headmaster to talk to you later."  With that Minerva began to leave.  I have lost in my thoughts that deeply that haven't listened to her. 

"Madam!  Wait.  I'll go with you, I'm feeling much better now."

She stopped and looked back.  she raised her eyebrows at me  "Are you sure?"

"100% sure."

"But dear.... "

Before Madame Poppy could finish, I said, "You can rest assured, I'm fine. Thank you for taking care of me."

"Okay come with me. "

I immediately got out of bed and started walking behind her. After leaving the medical ward I have a better view of the surrounding.
The stone walls were lit with flaming
torches, the ceiling was too high to make out, and a magnificent marble staircase facing us led to the upper floors.

"Madam, can you tell me where am I? " I asked her curiously.

She halts in the middle of the corridor, "Oh dear, forgive me!! I haven't given you a proper introduction!! "

"It's OK madam, but I am confused, how did I come here? And why do some professors want to see me?" I told her.

"I can understand! So...Welcome to Hogwarts! I'm Minerva McGonagall, deputy headmistress of HOGWARTS SCHOOL of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRY and you are going to see our Headmaster, Professor Albus Dumbledore. " Saying this, she looked at me and smiled.

"Witchcraft and wizardry? Is anything like this possible?  And I was in a graveyard, how did I get in this school?" I muttered.

"Yes, Magic is real for those who believe in it... And how you came here, you can find out from the headmaster.  Let's not be late."

My head began to throb as I walked.  What's wrong with me?  Why? was  I again captured by some crazy people!  God save me!  What did I do wrong in my past? Suddenly she stopped before a large and extremely ugly stone gargoyle.

"Sherbet lemon," she said and the gargoyle sprang suddenly to life and hopped aside as the wall behind him
split in two. Behind the wall was a spiral staircase that was moving smoothly upward, like an escalator. As we stepped onto it, the wall thud closed. We rose upward in circles, higher and higher, until at last, Then I noticed a gleaming oak door ahead, with a brass knocker in the shape of a griffin.  All this seems like a dream to me!

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