Ice cream and sleeping arrangements

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I stare at her in shock, which she doesn't seem to notice. After she dropped that bomb she's HUMMING, and she isn't just humming any random song. SHES HUMMING CHER. WHY THE HELL.

I turn on her phone and look for Austin's number. It rings for a bit then he picks up, "Hey, I just left work. What up?" he says casually like some shit didn't just go down. Oh, wait I forgot I'm the only sane person who knows, I bet she won't even remember in the morning.

"Hope was supposed to drive us home but she's super drunk and so am I. Can you pick us up?". I bite my tongue regretting asking him, why couldn't we just call an uber or something? But when you think about it it's very unsafe for an uber because we are drunk and have no idea what might happen. I hear him shuffle around and then say "I'm on my way". I hang up the phone and go hold Hope's hair as she throws up in a bush. "Great party" I mumble to myself, I stand there holding her hair watching girls throw themselves at guys and this one couple repeatedly breaking up and making out. 

I start to get tired and then I see a dark figure walk up to me. I hear Hope say "Austinn why are you here?" she slurred, "I came to pick you guys up" he says in a annoyed tone. Why is he annoyed? He didn't have to pick us up, but he would be quite a d*ck if he didn't.  "Welll you look hot while doinng it" Hope said falling into him. He ignored her statement and said "Let's go". He walked over to me and helped me up, "You good?" he asked me his voice calming a bit. "Yeah I'm fine" I said trying not to show the fact that I'm baffled because of Hope's confession. He looks at me for a while as if he's trying to figure out whether or not I'm telling the truth, "Are you sure? Do you want some Ice cream or something?" Ice cream??? actually that sounds good.

"Wait Ice cream?" I smiled "Yes please". He smiled at me and started walking to the car, I wrapped  Hope's arm on my shoulder and set off behind him. As we were walking towards the car she said "I hate to see him go but I love to watch him leave". What... Thats her god damn brother, well I guess they aren't really brother and sister but I don't know this is all fishy.  

I put her in the back seat and made sure she was strapped in and sat in the front seat. Even though I didn't have a whole bunch of alchol in me but I didn't want to chance it. He drove to the Ice cream shop and asked me what I wanted "Strawberry with sprinkles please". He went in and and I wondered why he didn't ask Hope till I looked back and remebered she's number one drunk and number two passed out. 

He comes back with two strawberry ice creams with sprinkles. When he gets in the car I grab both and start eating one and I notice he's looking at me funny. "Who said you get both?" I laugh at him. "I did you big doofus" he snatches the second ice cream back and starts to eat it while making direct contact with me just to tease me. "You are such a jerk" I said as I pushed him.

He leaned over toward me and whispered in my ear "Am I hurting your feelings baby?". I felt a shiver down my spine just as he said that, "Shut up" I sunk down into my seat and continued to eat my ice cream "Drive taxi boy". He laughed and started the car.

The ride home was pretty silent so I turned up the music a bit but not too much so that I would wake Hope. When we go to the building Austin carried Hope up and I followed behind while he occasionally looked back to make sure I was still there, like what was I gonna do professor dumba*s run away, I live there. I went to my room to change and after I was done I laid down.

After a few minutes of laying their I heard my door open and close. Then I felt someone lay down next to me, Austin. "What are you doing?" I said turning to face him. "Sleeping. You should try it babe." I turned away from him and tried to go to sleep.  After a while he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. Part of me wanted him to get off but the other part didn't want to move. 

He was warm and smelled of cinamon, as I was basically trying to decide whether he could stay or if I should kick him out I fell asleep.

Austin's pov:

I woke up with her in my arms, I moved the hair out of her face and watched her sleep for a while. She is the most beautiful sleeper ever, I laid back down, pulled her closer to me and went back to sleep.

Vanessa's pov:

I woke up in a god damn death grip. Why the hell is he holding me so tight, wait that's kinda hot. Anyways I wiggled my arm out and slapped him, "Wake up". "Baby just go back to sleep" he said in his morning voice, which was totally hot like his breath. "Go brush your teeth" I laughed. "Yeah okay I'll be back" he groaned. "And stop calling me baby idiot". I don't even know why I said that I kinda like it but don't tell him I said that.  "Why would I stop? You like it just admit it". Never, "I don't shut up" damn he knows doesn't he. 

He comes back and practically jumps on top of me, "We should do this more often". I look at him confused, "Do what?". He flips us so that I'm on top of him, "Sleep together". My mind started coming up with so many sexual puns but before I could say anything he said "I didn't mean that way but that option isn't off the table sweetheart" he winked at me, asshole. He shouldn't wink that does stuff to me that it shouldn't. "Why would I let you sleep in my bed ever again?". "Why did you let me last night?". He makes a good point, maybe? Oh god why am I even considering. I need to go back to bed.

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