Moving on

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Long story short don't leave your half-naked best friend with your horny boyfriend. Or maybe just don't have a boyfriend ever again.

Anyways it's been about 2 months since then and life has been getting better I crashed with someone for a while, found a new job, and some awesome friends( Rose, Alex, Lily, and Isaiah).

Today I'm finding a real apartment. I found out someone requires a roommate so I'm going to meet them. I hop in the shower, get dressed, and take out my long curly hair from a high loose puff and shake it out.


When I arrive at the address I see this beautiful tall building with gorgeous big windows. I walk in amazed, I go to the front desk and ask for the room number that I was given, and he does something on his phone, then tells me to wait.

Five seconds later someone that worked there came and took me to the room. When I knocked on the door and it opened a tall brunette appeared, "Hi my name is Hope"

"That a nice name" I smile and shake her hand " My name is Vanessa and most people call me V."

We talk a bit about our lives what we do and our passions until she finally says "Do you want to be my new roommate"  I smile "Yes of course"

"Great," she said "Your the best candidate I've had so far, and your really cool to be around"

"You are too" I smile hard " When can I bring my stuff over? Is tomorrow good? "

"Yeah I can get my brother to help you with all of your stuff" 

"Oh, you have a brother?" 

"Yeah, do you have any siblings?" 

"Yeah, I have a few but they don't visit very often" I don't really tell her why because I can't. They are in the middle of some sort of top-secret mission. 

The story behind that is pretty simple when we were kids my parents were involved with the FBI and they wanted all of us to follow the same path that they did and for a while, that was what I wanted to do. But, things change and people change and I'm happy as a writer even though I would enjoy being apart of the action instead of writing about it.


We said our goodbyes and as I walked out of the apartment inspiration struck. I ran to my car and started to write, I finally knew what my book was going to be about.

It may sound a little cliche but I decided to write about an FBI agent who fell in love with a criminal. I imagined that I was the agent and that Austin was the criminal. I wrote about our adventures and obstacles but I didn't get so far. I only had a few chapters so I decided to wrap it up and head home. It's currently 4:00, 2 hours until I have dinner with my friends. 

I pick out an outfit but don't get dressed just yet. I look over the chapters and see if they are good enough to turn into my boss. After a while of revising and finalizing it, I send it off to my boss so that he can decide whether or not he likes my idea. After I make sure I sent it to my boss I go get dressed and set off to the restaurant.

I walk in wearing a red dress that hugs my curves and some nice black heels. Most people at the place are dressed nicely and act very properly. I look around and catch a glimpse of my friend waving me over. When I walk toward the table Rose and Alex's jaw drops.

"You look hot," Alex said in his adorable British accent.

"Thank you Alex" I giggle and blush a little bit from embarrassment

"He's right where did you get that dress from?" Rose says as she gives me a hug

"Someone gave it to me as a gift" I fake smile because my ex actually gave it to me. I don't miss him but, when we were together everything was just easy until he cheated. I didn't exactly know what to do so I just left and never responded to his text, his voicemails, and his calls. Then one day he just stopped and I went on and it was like we'd never met. 

At the end of the night, we walked out together said our goodbyes and, walked our separate ways.

When I got home I checked my email for my boss's response to what I had sent him. I didn't see a response so I went on Netflix and watched a few episodes of Greys Anatomy and went to bed.


Author's note I made this chapter longer than the rest because I'm working on writing longer chapters because I for one hate stories with short chapters so I'm trying to get you guys some longer ones.

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