hunger and desire

10 1 3

*Warning sexual content*

We are still lying down in the same position so I decided to say something, "Did you order the pizza?", "Yeah" he responds and pulls me in closer, "when is it gonna get here I'm tired of your dick being in my back".

 I feel him shift so I try to get up but he pulls me right back down and growls in my ear "Aren't you gonna help me get rid of it?". I turn toward him and play with the waistband of his pants a bit and say "No".

I get up to leave but he takes me by surprise, turns me around, and picks me up, then he starts rubbing his hard area on my middle. He starts to kiss my neck while he rubs against me which causes my breath to quicken. Then the doorbell rings and I free myself from his grip. I get the pizza and tip the man, I got to sit on the couch and see Austin is already there. He grabs the pizza out of my hand and pulls me on top of him so that I'm straddling him. We were inches apart and he kept looking at my lips like he wanted to attack them and he whispers "Fuck it" then pulls me in and kisses me slowly, trying to control himself.

He moans against my lips and pulls away, "god do you know how long I've waited to do that", I get off of his lap and say, "This can't happen again" even though I wish it would happen again and again and again. "Are you sure about that because your eyes are saying otherwise my love" he smirks, god my heart does backflips when he calls me that "We can't Hope" I say even though I know she wants us to be together, but he doesn't need to know that, "What if we just hide it from her?" he says "what she doesn't know doesn't hurt her" he walks closer and closer until there's no space between us.  I look at him for a while and say "Fuck it" and pretty much jumped the guy and kissed him.

Then after a while of making out, I got off of him and went to the pizza. What can I say I'm a hungry bitch, after I grab I slice of pizza and moan because of how good the pizza is I look up and see him grab a pillow and put it over his crotch. "You are so disgusting," I say, "You love it" he responds. After I finish my pizza I leave the room and go to take a nap.

*My dream*

Austin kisses me all the way down my neck and I let out a groan. He chuckles and rubs me through my underwear, "God you're so wet". He starts to tease me which annoys me and I flip us both over and start to stroke him while I kiss his neck. "Fuck" he growls, as I tease his tip with my tongue, he grabs my head and forces himself in my mouth guiding my head up and down while moaning.

He pulls me up to him and picks me up and takes me to the bathroom. He puts me down on the sink, not breaking our kiss, and slides his tip-in. Then he plunges into me, causing me to scream, and then he starts going faster, "faster, h-harder" I struggle to get out. I hear him moan in my ear, god that's hot. He spins me around and faces me toward the mirror so I got a glimpse of myself. Then he plunged harder into me pushing me up against the sink causing me to cum multiple times. "God you're so beautiful" he kept repeating while he was pushing deeper and deeper into me. 

I turned around and we started making out and he had picked me up again and taken me back to the bed and laid me down. He stood above me stroking himself moaning my name, he started kissing my chest and sucking each of them before going down on me. He sucked my clit causing me to shiver with pleasure and moan. Then before I could get a second to breathe he plunged back into me. He kept pushing into me harder and harder causing me to scream louder and louder whispering in my ear, "God you're so tight". 

All of a sudden I wake up and I hear someone moaning my name. I walk around the corner and I see it's Austin sleeping, why is he saying my name that's so weird. I decided to ignore it for now and go take a shower.

After I finished in the shower and got dressed I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch with Austin and I was about to say something to him but then Hope busted through the door and practically jumped in my arms. "Guess what we are doing tonight" she laughed evilly, "Watching gossip girl?" I hoped. "Nope, party tonight at my friend's house", "Oh okay, is it cool if I invite some of my friends? they've been dying to meet you". "Yes, of course, I want to hear all of the stories they most likely have of you" she hugs my neck, "I'm not a tree you can hang on and you most definitely won't be hearing any stories, they are way too embarrassing and half of them I end up in the hospital".

Honestly, after my break up, even though I didn't care about the guy. I cared about the girl, she was my best friend and we use to do everything together. So I drank and got so wasted I didn't have to feel the pain of losing someone I thought would be with me forever.

"I definitely want to hear the stories now, Austin are you coming?" Hope says looking over at him, "I can't, I have a meeting tonight for work". Trying to hide my disappointment I say "Oh, where do you work?", both of them ignoring my question turn their attention to the TV. That was weird I just asked a question.


Authors note: Where does he work? Why did they ignore her question? What other secrets do they have?

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