Set in stone

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(Austin's POV)

Everyone is rushing around me. Especially one of my closest friends, Andrew. He keeps checking on me every 5 minutes making sure I'm still here and saying if I wanna leave he'll take my place. Yeah, that's definitely not gonna happen. If I leave I'm a fool.

I've been waiting for this for a while now. The chance to marry the love of my life and my best friend. I don't understand why everyone is more nervous than me, I haven't seen her all day. 

God, I miss her. "Are you ready?"  Andrew peeps his head inside the dressing room I'm in "I can get you an uber in 5 minutes and I can juggle to entertain the people while you slip out. You know get a clean-".

"Shut up and tell them I'm ready" I laugh, there's no way I'm leaving her.

"Break" he finishes his sentence from earlier "Okay I'll be back bud" He smiled at me and disappeared. I get up and go straighten my black tie in the mirror. I try to stop smiling but I can't and now I'm smiling like a goofball in the mirror. The things she does to me. 

I hear the door open and Andrew steps in and throws his hands in the air "Let's get married". Idiot, "I'm the only one getting married" he laughs and smiles back at me. "Yeah, that's what you think. When you get accidentally launched into the band just don't get back up". I laugh at him and he says "Let's go".

When I get to the front I spot Vanessa's mom and the rest of their family smiling at me. I smile back and then I hear the music they play for the bride. I think. I'm bad at the wedding thing I guess. The in the middle of me trying to figure out if this is the music or not the doors fling open and I see her. Her curly hair resting on her shoulders with a crown on top of her head. Her dress was white and sparkly and it fit her perfectly. She looked amazing but to be honest she would look amazing if she were walking down the aisle with one of my shirts that are way too big for her.

When she finally gets to me I have the urge to pick her up and kiss her right her but sadly I have to wait. "You look beautiful as always" I whisper loud enough for her to hear me. "You don't look too bad yourself" she smirks at me. Swoon. I mean trucks and fast cars.

That was embarrassing. Anyways the guy marrying us talks a lot and I can't really hear him over how beautiful she looks. And no I'm not overexaggerating. We exchange vows and finally, he says "You may kiss the bride" I couldn't go all full out but I did dip her and promise tonight will be a night to remember. 

After we walked out everyone met at the wedding reception. We sat down and watched some performers sing but I couldn't keep my eyes off of Vanessa. When the band stopped playing they announced a special surprise performance by my wife and her bridesmaids. Yeah, I'm totally watching this. 

I hear some Ariana Grande song come on and I remember it's one of her favorites 'positions'. Then the girls cover her up and all of a sudden she comes out in some hot bodysuit. Definitely have my interest.

Andrew comes over and puts a hand on my shoulder as he sits in my wife's chair. "You are one lucky guy". Hell yeah, I am. She's such a good dancer too. This woman is my wife. My wife, wow.

The rest of the night I can't keep my eyes off of her. I can't believe this woman is mine. She's my forever.


A/N Thank you for reading I love every single one of you and I hope you enjoyed the book.

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