Do you love him?

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Austin had gone to work and it was just me alone on a Monday night on the couch watch cooking shows. I was bored out of my mind and then Hope walked through the door. "Hey" she said as she plopped on the couch.

"Hey, how was work?" I said sitting up turning my attention away from the tv.

"Same old same old. Boring and trashy" she laughed "But I got my memory back from the party..." shit. Does she remember what she said to me? "And I remember what I said to you."

"So it was true? You aren't related to Austin?" I said looking in her eyes.

"I don't want to talk about it yet" she shuffled her feet across the floor not making eye contact with me.

"That's fine. Do you wanna cook something I learned off one of these shows?" I said changing the subject. "Yes please" she jumped of the couch.

We walked into the kitchen together and I took out the ingredients and turned on some harry styles. "Wheres the pepper and salt?" I yelled across the table at Hope.

"I don't know do you think I cook?" she laughed and continued singing canyon moon. I laughed at her and searched through the pantry till "I found it" I yelled behind me. We played around in the kitchen, Hope falling all over the place while I was cooking which was quite a distraction. "Stop playing around and help me cook you fool" I slapped her with a wooden spoon I found in the draw. "Ouch you monster! What am I supposed to do?" She said rubbing the spot where I hit her.

"The chicken I just put in the pan, watch it. Make sure it cooks evenly on both sides and it doesnt burn. I'm going to work on the rice and the mac and cheese." I said moving toward the fridge to grab what I needed. "Yes boss" she stood like a souldier saluting me. "Stop being foolish and get back to work" I laughed.

After a while I turned on Ariana Grande's new album because why not? And we contiued singing and playing around till the food was done. We set it to the side and began to clean up our mess and then I heard my favorite song on the album come on, 34+35.

"Hope turn it up" I said looking over at her already doing it. "Way ahead of you babe" she laughed and we both started singing. We were just dancing around in the kitchen singing the song not giving a care in the world who was watching. It was amazing, and a lot of fun. Hope is a really good friend and I'm lucky to have her as a roomate.

When the song was over we heard clapping "Amazing performance girls" we both jumped. "How long have you been standing there?" doesn't he have his own apartment.. he might as well live here. "Long enough. What are you guys doing?" he said as he was looking around the kitchen "Did you guys cook for me?" He gasped. Boy please "No not for you hun. It was for us but you can serve it to us" I smiled at him sarcastically. Hope laughed "Good one" and high fived me.

"Don't high five her Hope. I thought you cared about me" he fake pouted. I watched her face turn bright red and look at the floor. Oh god she really likes him. This is where it gets complicated right? Why couldn't he just be her brother that would be great. "Hope you ready to eat?" I said changing the conversation. "Yeah sure" she replied laughing awkwardly. I grabbed a chair and climbed it to get to the plates, "Who put them all the way up here? We are both short and neither of us can reach up there" I rolled my eyes. "Austin did" I heard Hope yell from the other room. While I was reaching for the plates I lost my balance and fell but instead of hitting the ground I was caught. "Am I dead?" I questioned my eyes still shut. "No" he laughed. "Oh you caught me.. Tha- Thanks" I said still in his arms. He just stared at me for a while and put me down. Then he got the plates down.

How did he even get in there to catch me? I thought he left and went in the other room. I put some food on the plate for me and Hope and brought it in the room. "What are we watching?" I asked. "One of those corny christmas love stories" She laughed. I kinda like them not gonna lie. They suck but they are hilarious. "I'm good with it" I smiled and handed her the food.

We all sat down, turned down the lights and started watching the movie. After we got half way through the movie Austin was asleep. I tapped Hope and she laughed staring at him like he was the most adorable thing she'd ever seen. We both cleaned up and went into the kitchen.

We cleaned up in silence until I finally spoke up. "Hope about Austin"

"Vanessa..." she responded setting down the dish in her hand.

"Do you love him?" I asked. she sat there and silence and that's when I knew.

She's in love with m-, she loves Austin.

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